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How Would You Wish People To Remember You??????

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Well seeing as I plan to live forever it's irrelevant what people will think of me when I'm gone ...... Plan B is to say 'Feck it, Plan A didn't work' ...... then not give a hoot what people think of me! .... I don't give a hoot now so why should I care when I'm dead.... hehehe
Quote by smokerjim
I'm not too bothered about how I will be thought of - what I would prefer is a glorious wake, everyone getting caned ( think of the wake for Mickey's mum in "Snatch" ) and having a fuggin' good time. If they smile and think of me, busting my shite with laughter, even better.
I have even told the wife ( smoking muff ) to mourn me for a reasonable amount of time ( 3 -6 months tops ) then get on with life, and to not be a widow.

Party at mine when he goes :twisted: :twisted:
Just kidding love :love:
I suspect I'll be remembered as 'Rubber Ball' - family and friends have called me this for years coz I always bounce back. biggrin
It might sound wierd, but I dont want people to remeber me, maybe because I have a low opinion of myself.
I would like to be remembered as a cardigan wearing,yoghurt eating liberal lol
As owing some rich sod hundreds of thousands of pounds lol
Quote by Steve_Mids
I will probably be remembered as the miserable cantancarous old bastard rotflmao

:gagged: :gagged: :gagged:
I will probably be remembered for always having a gregarious personality... Oh and a quick temper lol
Trust me Equi, he was on his best behaviour that day :lol:
Quote by Steve_Mids
I will probably beremembered as the miserable cantancarous old bastard rotflmao

What do you mean..........probably? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Well i'm not sure, i would like to be remembered as a good mother and friend tho i'm sure i will be remembered as that moaning old cow lol
Having recently become grandparents, and still being in our early/mid 40's - Kit and I have just realised that in 100 years from now, it is likely that there will still be people around that can remember us first hand.
How cool is that! cool
I think "who" would do
well erm is this a how i hope or how i know.. :P
how i hope is by our kid and crystal as a loving if insane dad ...
yet i know most my familly ...remember matt? ... yep , thank fuck he's gone!
erm me i dunno aslong as the kid misses me a little does anyone else matter?
I don't see the great need people have to be remembered.
What difference will it make? It's not like you are in a position to worry about it. You're dead...
Perhaps it is simply a continuation of my arrogant side in that I don't really care what people think of me whilst I'm alive.
I'm an honest person and above all I'm honest with myself. I know my strengths and weaknesses and I know what kind of person I am. We all do if we can be honest, so what someone might assume me to be does not affect the reality of what I actually am.
As you will never know what people think of you when you are dead I see little point in being concerned with it in life. If my birthday is made a national holiday or I'm never remembered at all it won't affect me.
The only factor is that in one way the national holiday would be better as at least it affects the important people, the people alive, and they could have a nice day off work. biggrin
not having kids, i guess there wont be a next generation to remember me. So, i'll have to be remembered at some point in the future by some stranger as they sit under the shade of the oak tree i want planted on my grave instead of a headstone...
I'd love to have a piss up of a wake like smokerjims, i'd just be really annoyed not being there...
Quote by equi-princess
When you're no longer on this mortal coil.... and have cast off all your cares and troubles by taking the one way trip across the River Styx......... how would you like people to remember you?

ahh the fly....... she gave so much to so many,. redface
Quote by postie
I'd love to have a piss up of a wake like smokerjims, i'd just be really annoyed not being there...

I better start choking more fags down then, if I want to make sure I croak before ya! Before anyone says that is too blase, disrespectful, etc, etc. Sorry if I put noses out - but you live, you die. If in between you create life, or someone else makes sense of theirs with your help, more power to you - as long as YOU enjoy yours
not really worried what people think of me when im brown bread,all i can say is live life to the full never regret anything help as many people on the way as you can get as much out of life that is avalable to you,spend all the money that you have earned and alot that you have not turn around and say with conviction "" i have done more than i could ever imagin and more,so do not console me crack open the beer and have a good time and just remember the good things i done !!!!!!!""
and for those who do not agree with me suck my d**k.
because you are a long time dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It would be nice to think that I had been able to achieve something that people remembered me for doing.
But realisticaly, having said that, the majority of us will be remembered only by friends/famly so I reckon I should try and be remembered as a good friend and a good family member. Anything else is a bonus.
I dont think it matters what people think of you when your gone, as sooner or latter they will be gone too! And then we will be history!!! And hey dont die wondering, just ask. Is'nt it better that we find out what people think of us now, even if it is negative as then we can do somthing about it. smile