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How young is too young?

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Having read the how old were you when you started any advice as to what age group a 25 year old guy and 23 year old girl should be looking at.
We are registered on another site but most of the couples are way older.
Depends on who you fancy, age doesn't come into it. As long as they are legal then that's all that matters.
It really depends on what you're looking for.
We've not been at this long, but we had an age range in mind from the start. We aren't considering anyone under 20, and we have an upper age limit in mind too, but it really does depend upon who's interested in us and whether we fancy them or not.
Quote by sc
Having read the how old were you when you started any advice as to what age group a 25 year old guy and 23 year old girl should be looking at.

Hey, your life, your rules, there's no set formula. Whoever you're attracted to is my answer. Maybe you're attracted to people close to your own age, maybe you're not. Whatever your personal preference, there will be people out there who are compatible with you. smile
Age shouldn't matter just so long as your legal.....if your attracted to an older couple go for it.....
well you may find that the younger couples have extra stamina true, but mainly they are still learning aboiut themselves, an older couple may do more for you because they arer more secure with themselves and have a greater understanding of techniques
Quote by sc
Having read the how old were you when you started any advice as to what age group a 25 year old guy and 23 year old girl should be looking at.
We are registered on another site but most of the couples are way older.

You've spotted it! Most couples your age are busilly enhancing careers, getting on the housing ladder, starting families (with consequent babysitter problems) and still discovering their own "selves". (big generalisation, but not far off the mark I suspect)
If you don't have these concerns, or have found a way to get around them then you are indeed fortunate, as it takes most people many years to get back to having quality social time. Also many people in the past only started exploring sexual alternatives in later life after their one-to-one experiences had been explored to the full. You on the other hand, in the new generation have had the swinging lifestyle brought to your attention much earlier and have made a decision to delve into it.
So, you will be in the minority sector of the age range. Who you should try to mix with has been covered very well by the posts above, but beware of trying to overstretch things age wise. You can go to clubs and parties, where you will meet people who will target you because you are the "Fresh Princes". Lots of people fantasise about sex with beautiful young man and women - it's kind of in our nature, as humans. Lots of mature women would like to have a young stud that can perform well, and older men dream of making out with girls that look like the ones in their glamour mags. But think of this, if you haven't already. A 45yo woman is old enough to be your mother, and there are oodles of people of that age group in the scene. Are you ready to cope with that? How would your partner feel about seeing you with someone twice her age instead of with her? And vice versa. How comfortable would you be, seeing a guy, who in "Civvie Street" your partner would never consider, having sex with her? It's obviously a major conquest for the older folk to meet and mix with you, but what will you get out of it? What would you want to get out of it? You have to ask yourselves that if you are entering into an age-gap environment I think. Please understand, I'm not saying "don't do it", just "have your eyes open if you do do it". It's easy to think that you are having fun at the time, but then look back on a scene and feel "used" and devalued and disillusioned as a result.
Perhaps better is to look at those minority areas of the swinging scene that are geared to people of your age. Check out the Fever Parties, which are designed for the under 35's (still 140% your age but as near as you will get) You might do beter there, talk the same "street language" and enjoy the same ambient music and atmosphere, and generally enjoy yourselves there more.