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how young is too young

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I just saw the post on how old is too old, and since me n my partner r both pretty young and have found that some ppl feel we r too young to be swinging I thought I would ask around. How old r all of u and wud u not swing with a couple under a certain age?
Cassie n John x
lol i am 24 and i no others that are around my age on here....
Quote by jawa350tyga
some ppl feel we r too young to be swinging
Cassie n John x

It only means that they are looking for elder couples. Find other ppl.
Quote by Gulf
some ppl feel we r too young to be swinging
Cassie n John x

It only means that they are looking for elder couples. Find other ppl.
It might mean that they really think they are too young to be swinging.
Hiya all, seen lots of threads on here about too old, too young, peoples size etc etc. To me, swinging is about being free to be yourself, to do whatever you want to do with whoever, regardless of age, sex, size, sexual orientation, or any other label/box that people get put in to. If a person wants to do something, just do it! If you don't like it then don't do it again, but if you enjoy it then it opens up lots of new avenues in your life. wink
As long as you're 18+ (site regulations) I wouldn't have thought there was a lower age limit smile
True, some more mature members may choose not to swing with younger members, but that works both ways.
I am 31 and have set no age limit on my ad, but then IMO age ain't nothing but a number smile
There is a diverse age range on the site, and at 22 (?) I would say you are old enough to swing.
Just because you are young doesn't mean you don't have the right attitude for the lifestyle ;)
Minx x x
So long as they were above the legal age of consent I'd consider it, and if the female were a complete stunner, I'd consider it for all of a couple of nanoseconds I guess.
I suppose it's down to the individuals involved. Some people clearly are uncomfortable with a large age difference between them and a sex partner.
My youngest female sex partner was 32 years younger than me. It didn't matter to either of us.
smile smile
My IMMEDIATE thoughts, not as teenagers !!! (enjoy the teenage youth while you can) but 21 and over, it feels you're old enough.
well im 20 and mr bailiff is 26 and we find that people are okay with us
Quote by BiWelshMinx
As long as you're 18+ (site regulations) I wouldn't have thought there was a lower age limit smile
True, some more mature members may choose not to swing with younger members, but that works both ways.
I am 31 and have set no age limit on my ad, but then IMO age ain't nothing but a number smile
There is a diverse age range on the site, and at 22 (?) I would say you are old enough to swing.
Just because you are young doesn't mean you don't have the right attitude for the lifestyle ;)
Minx x x

I'll drink to that Minx - its about choice, and attitude.
At 29 I've been considered by some to be 'too young' - but I feel that was more of a personal choice thing than a 'you shouldnt be swinging at your age' judgement.
What matters is the maturity of attitude and understanding of the concept of what swinging is - and importantly what swinging isnt.
So long as you are over 18 thats all that matters, of course some will not want to meet you but you will find that with everyone, we all have things some others wont like, be it age, size or sex you just have to move on and find someone who is looking for what you have to offer wink
Personally i don't go for younger unless its just a few years younger but thats not cause i have anything against younger people all ages have the rights to be on here, they are just not my cuppa tea biggrin
I think what age you are does not really matter. its all comes down to how you feel about the cpl and especially if you get on.
me and ed are in our 40's now and usually go to meet cpls who are round about the same age group as we feel more comfortable around that age, but have swung with younger. it is all about how you feel. wish you both luck for the future luv cazxx
ur never to old or too young to be swinging.
as long u 18+.
and myself, people will swing, what ever age, size, race, sex.
i am on the plump side with a few extra pounds, but nobody minds about that.
as long u have a sense of humour and take nothing to heart.
:swingingchair: :swingingchair: :swingingchair:
i was 20 when we joined (21 now) and matt is 23 we think its ok xxx
As long as you're doing it for the right reasons and you know when to say no, go for it.
It's all about learning your own boundaries and strengths.
I wouldn't kick you out of bed.
I never found swinging with friends (who weren't swingers to begin with ) to be a particularly good idea. Watch out for that.
i am 54, and as long as the lady was 18+, then she wouldn't be too young
I am sure the ppl who told you your too young just meant too young for them. If you look at the photo ads some do stipulate an age range, and as many have said already as long as your over 18 you have every right to be here. And as for the outside world I am sure many teenagers at 18 are already swinging, I know I was although we did not see it as swinging, just called it gang banging or swapping.
Not being a swinger myself, but as a single male I don't put any age limits on who I meet as long as there is the right chemistry.
Most people tend to go for others in the same age range because that is what they are more comfortable my dreams I will meet someone in their early 20's.
Also many people only start swinging after a few years together, either because they have become secure enough in their relationship to do it, or to spice up their life, so younger swingers are less common, but not non-existant.
Anyways, if you like it , do it.
i wouldnt swing with anyone young enough to be my child. I am 41 now and my daughter is almost 23 so I find it weird when boys her age want to meet me.
Sorry if u are under 30, I know u don't consider youself a boy, but I can't help it. I also find it quite strange that young lads want older women when girls ur own age look so much better. Oh and the line " i prefer older women"...all that does is make me fdel ancient..not sexy or attractive! LOL
Quote by MikeC
lol i am 24 and i no others that are around my age on here....

you told me that you where 23 :shock: thats it ya to old for me
Could only really give the age this week . Next week it will be different
I am 33 and personally would not swing with anyone more than probably 5 years younger than me....Don't know why exactly........personal preference I suppose, but then I have always preferred older men anyway.
The thought of sleeping with a young boy (18 ish) is very much a turn off for me!
I think quite a lot of people discover swinging when they are older, so there tends to be quite a lot of people in the 35+ bracket floating around. I think the fact they are looking for people of a similar age leads to the impression that there is some kind of age-ism going on. But actually its just a product of demographics, there are more older people!
Personally I am 25 now... was about 23 when I first got into the idea of this type of thing... Think I was just about mature enough for it then as a single person. Don't know that I am mature enough for it as part of a couple for a good few years yet (which is just as well because the GF situation doesn't look like its going to improve any time soon).
I think you have to have reached a point where you are comfortable enough with your sexuality, your body, and what you want from sex, relationships and friendships. Once you are sorted on those decisions and firmly stand by them then you are ready. Different people reach that stage at different times. And some people never reach it.
Quote by EnglishChris99
I think you have to have reached a point where you are comfortable enough with your sexuality, your body, and what you want from sex, relationships and friendships. Once you are sorted on those decisions and firmly stand by them then you are ready. Different people reach that stage at different times. And some people never reach it.

This is very true :thumbup:
But i just wanted to add, that no matter how much a relationship seems stable. I would say that with every new swinging experience tried by couples, it is always emotionally testing the relationship.
This could either strenghten or weaken the relationship, so its very important to address new issues with honesty, openness and maturity at all times.
And all relationships should deal with these issues at an individual pace that suits all concerned.
H, red
Very true, and well said HR
we're one of the younger couple's round here, and was really worried how everyone would take to us. yes, some people dont swing with us cos we're too young and thats fully understandble, but it go's both way's. i dont really see why anybody should have a problem with that.
no-one on here would treat you any different just becos of your age, but whether you had the right open mind and maturity for swinging, which could apply to anybody no matter what there age is.
As long as they are over 18 and happy with the situation then it is the old scenario of 'Age is just a number' biggrin
Quote by freckledbird
It might mean that they really think they are too young to be swinging.

May be
20/22 when we started 22/24 now. Would have to agree with 18+ being okay. Only problem is its hard to find young cpls!
Quote by Chief moo
Very true, and well said HR
we're one of the younger couple's round here, and was really worried how everyone would take to us. yes, some people dont swing with us cos we're too young and thats fully understandble, but it go's both way's. i dont really see why anybody should have a problem with that.
no-one on here would treat you any different just becos of your age, but whether you had the right open mind and maturity for swinging, which could apply to anybody no matter what there age is.

I would, Chief Moo.
Whether you would want a dumpy, flabby burd, like me, when you have a stunning, lithe, Godess at your side anyway, is another matter.
Everyone is different and what is acceptable to some will be unappealling to others. We are a couple with a 16 year age gap, Jen is 20 and James is 36. We have tended to find that many people we have spoken to have been much older than Jen and a bit older than James. We would like to find more people of our age (or should that be between our ages) but it seems for whatever reason that the average age for a typical swinger seems to be around early to mid 40's (this is unscientific just based on our experience to date).
Whilst James (maybe because of his age ;) ) is more flexible about others, Jen is very particular about the type of girl she wants to play with and this tends on the whole (although there will always be some exceptions) to rule out cpls with an f much older than late 30's. I suppose that if you are a relatively young couple and are flexible with potential partners throughout the age range then you will find yourselves very popular, we just don't see the point in doing something for the sake of it, when we wouldn't have much fun.
The net result of this choosiness has been very frustrating and to be honest we are beginning to wonder if it is worth the effort, after all the time spent chatting and weeding out the greater than 50% of total "couples" who turn out to be guys posing as cpls, the "fun" is starting to recede. We are thinking of trying a club to see if thinigs are any different, although everytime we see something like "real wife swaps" it tends to put us off the club idea more because of the age of the participants. If there was something like a "swinging council of Great Britain" it seems that the most positive immediate step they could make to promote the "lifestyle" would be to find younger more attractive couples to participate in any documentary on the subject in the future :P After all McDonalds does not feature collosally fat Americans tucking into a big mac in its TV advertising, even though we all know they exist ;)
Maybe we should give up the idea or 10 years and return when we are closer to the average age ;) Please don't misinterpret our comments here, this is not intended to be a dig at older cpls etc. just a synopsis of what we have found compared to what we are looking for.