The two guys I chose as my hunks have chosen me for their pin up. How's that for spooky? :shock:
but thank you to both of them
Quote by sercher01
right ! iv had a think and id like to ask "D" from juniper-couple if she would mind being my pin-up
there was another sexy lady i wanted to ask but i dont handle rejection well
Quote by Juniper_couple
right ! iv had a think and id like to ask "D" from juniper-couple if she would mind being my pin-up
there was another sexy lady i wanted to ask but i dont handle rejection well
Quote by Bloke2005
How many can I have? Is there a limit?
Quote by BiWelshMinx
I would suggest (word of the day lol) that you have no more than 2 hunks/pin-ups, but hey who am I to be in control of your signatures ? ;)
Quote by Juniper_couple
I would suggest (word of the day lol) that you have no more than 2 hunks/pin-ups, but hey who am I to be in control of your signatures ? ;)
Quote by Darkfire
oooo well, the girlies bit was easy peasy :twisted: .... but I'm not too good with the guy thing so, I have two vacancies for the position of Dark's official hunk :shock: and am happy to take formal applications :idea:
all suitable pics to the pm box please
successful Darkfire's Hunks will be revealed forthwith :lol: