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i am bored!

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1 watcher
I am bored!.......fed up!........... as the kids have drove me to tears!....and my number one camming partner has gone on his hols!.....and so i have gone off the mood to cam! D id just going to bed......... i cannot go out tomorrow night to the clubs as i cannot get a baby sitter!.......and now i have a head ach! :doh:
Any one out there give me a laugh!........i need one! :cry:
Thats it going to bed! one loves me :cry:
I love ya. :therethere: kiss
Quote by sussexguy
I love ya. :therethere: kiss

oooo thanks for that!......................i needed it rotflmao oo shit got the wronge smilly :doh:
thanks :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
Quote by debbiewebs
oo shit got the wronge smilly :doh:
thanks kiss :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

Me too, shoulda been hump wink
Quote by debbiewebs
I am bored!.......fed up!........... as the kids have drove me to tears!....and my number one camming partner has gone on his hols!.....and so i have gone off the mood to cam! D id just going to bed......... i cannot go out tomorrow night to the clubs as i cannot get a baby sitter!.......and now i have a head ach! :doh:
Any one out there give me a laugh!........i need one! :cry:

You're local to me, so I'd offer to show you my willy, but I fear that might make you laugh a bit *too* much redface
Quote by yellowfrog
You're local to me, so I'd offer to show you my willy, but I fear that might make you laugh a bit *too* much redface

Well errrrrrrrr cough cough debbiewebs lost for words rolleyes
Quote by debbiewebs
You're local to me, so I'd offer to show you my willy, but I fear that might make you laugh a bit *too* much redface

Well errrrrrrrr cough cough debbiewebs lost for words rolleyes
That's gotta be a first lol
Everyone seems to be bored today - I even psoted a message to a bbw list I'm on explaining that I was so bored I'd taken to drawing comedy cocks in the sink with Cif liquid.... biggrin
I did hear a sick joke though :
Q. What's black and sits at the top of the stairs?
A. Stephen Hawking in a housefire.....
:: fetches coat :: lol
Never minding fetching your coat... I'll fetch it for you!
Quote by debbiewebs
I am bored!

Who bored you?
I liked the house fire joke, as a spaz meself, I hereby permit everyone to laugh.
I'm sure Prof. Hawking would find it amusing too - he's a perv too from what I've heard.... smile
I had my biggest laugh last night! head ache got worse!.......and i became quit poorly! :violin: .............................i was sick etc!.......i wondent of minded if i had a reason for it but i had didnt!. confused ..........................And Mr D trying to nurse me the best he could came out with!..........................Its that bloody computer!.........................Well i meen i no you can get virus!.........but off a computer! :shock:
Quote by billybofh
I'm sure Prof. Hawking would find it amusing too - he's a perv too from what I've heard.... smile

Sorry for being abit late in replying!.......................I no that he would of loved that one!.............he is such a great man!......................and when he did his bit for pink floyed!........ Keep on Talking!.....WOW! touching was that?...and how true!
But i dident no he was a perv!..........WOW! think he might cam with me? rolleyes