Avid readers of these threads will know that a mini-backlash is going on amongst us singles. A few of us turned our backs on the bliss of liberated, no-strings sex and fled to the vanilla world because we wanted a cup of tea in the morning.
So through a vanilla dating site I met Adam. We match. We fit. We have fun between the sheets. We lack passion and spark. We SO lack passion and spark
And then through the same site Brotha contacts me. He flirts, he woos, he will travel 200 miles to meet me. He has something I have lusted for for some time - dreadlocks and matching attitude.
So Thursday = Adam. Friday = Brotha and this is where I think I should have stayed with the swingers because - what do I tell Adam? In SH land I would just say 'Oh, by the way, I'm meeting this guy tomorrow night' but in vanilla-land it doesn't work that way. So do I tell Adam about Brotha? Honesty is a big thing with me. Or not?
What a problem, if honesty is the best policy, what happens if you loose the Vanilla guy? Could he take the truth.
Only you can answer this one. If the Vanilla guy is a serious contender for a relationship with you (of the love and marriage variety) then do you risk it.
My heart goes out to you, and I hope that you make the right choice. If it were down to me, it would be stick to the Swingers.
we spend so much of our lives thinking about the things we haven't got that we have no time to appreciate the things we have got.
until their gone! :idea:
Then follow your heart Jezzay, otherwise you could end up loosing all round.
At least a swinging relationship would not cause problems with you meeting another guy.
I can only hope that all works out well.
Isn't it pretty normal for members on dating sites to be meeting and "trying out" more than one person from the site at a time? Would the two guys really be so surprised?
You've every right to find out whether Brotha does it for you before you decide. I presume you haven't implied to Adam that your his and his alone. If you have then that may be a problem. I'd say meet Brotha and then decide what's best.
Good luck.
Go with the dreadlocks!!!
Organise a 3 sum...sorted
Its conventional dating now. You'll have to stop one before you start the other.
I would say the most important thing is to be honest with both of them.....that way neither can complain.....
I personally would prefer passion and spark over just reliability and friendship.....that's if I want a long term partner.....but you have to decide for yourself what is important to you.
I have two lovers, both married (in open relationships)......one I have a huge amount of passion and lust for but the other is more just a friend now (although we DO still have some passion there)......but I'm lucky I guess because I can have them both and they both know about each other and that is fine......perhaps you can have the same?
Good luck hun....I hope things work out the way you want them to. Feel free to PM me if you need to talk.....