Alex, I can't be of any practical help as far as I'm aware (it ain't my subject), but I can give you my support - psychologically speaking... Good luck, Mike.
Unknown User
So come on Alex, have you started yet? Always write an essay from the inside out!!! I always started with rough headings, bullet points......... & before long, I was producing some reasonably coherent garbage :shock: . I could then chuck some of it out, keep other bits, & gradually begin to produce a reasonable piece of work. Let us know how you get on.
There has been alot of helpful advice so far (and some not ) I have just finished my post grad, and I found the easiest way to do essays was to do 'chunks of thought' rather than trying to do the essay from start to finish. I would write 10 - 20 lines on a small part of the essay and then when I had enough pieces, I would put them all together like a big jigsaw. Hope it helps :D PS I have heard this new interweb thingy has lots of resources on it, maybe give that a whirl
Quote by Alex_Female The essay title is the differences between normative and informational social influences, i know the answer but just cant put pen to paper
:shock: :shock: :shock: Having a hard time even understanding the title!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by Nomad_Soul Simple Alex, Essays:- give us SH types the topics we can all post comments and then you can turn them into something useful, and hopefull get good marks, for all the bollox we write here! :P
Sounds like the thousand monkeys sat at a thousand typewriters scenario......... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol2: Get enough monkeys together and one of them will produce something that works/makes sense :lol2: ... I find managers are like that too! ...
Unknown User
Alex, Are you still hanging over the edge ?? Or have to managed to take a step back ??
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