Lovely here, Ive been on a bike ride :eeek:
We have just returned from Palm House and to see the newly renovated Eros statue in Sefton Park, Liverpool.
The park is looking good = very supprised to see some Rhododendrons in bloom this time of the year.
Spent the day doing housework, windows and doors wide my 5th load of washing,taking advantage to get bedding and towels dried in the sunshine.
I've been moving some trees I've had to cut down in my front garden. Also got tonnes of washing to do and as I don't have a washing machine I do it by hand. What I've been doing in this rainy weather we've had recently is washing it and putting it out on the line unrinsed. Then let nature rinse it for me. And if I've been really lucky nature has dried it for me too.
I'm either lazy or sensible. The former I think!