Well done all of you on your non smoking challenge.
I have been there I know what your going through ...take it from me whatever its cost in mood swings. anxiety and craving ....its so worth it.
Having read these posts I am filled with optimism for your prospects...
Blue eyes you are so right to see it as an exciting point in your life ..thats a superb way to view it ...oh and by the way it is ...enjoy its benefits ...some come slowly but steadily and enormously just make sure you take time out to enjoy them.
Sappho I am sure you can achieve whatever you set your mind to...you have already celebrated your success I see with your shopping expedition , don't feel guilty, all you have done is redistribute a few weeks tobacco money . your credit card will see the benefit. Just wonder at how far you have aready come ...they are the worst of the days out of the way ....dont throw those away they are a huge achievement . I mean huge.
Kat and Byron its hard I know ...every minute you go without is wonderous ...pat yourself on the back ....rejoice celebrate ...dont let a chemical beat your willpower ...bludy mindedness.....if you feel desperate excercise ..take up boxing anything to get air ..real air giving you an oxygen rush ....
The best of luck to you all .You are stars.
If the ladies need something to do with their hands or mouths ...then I want you to know I am here for you ...
I mean to email or phone silly.
Well done to you all.
For anyone who has lasped, that's all it is a lapse - nothing to feel too bad about - the next day is a clean slate.
Hugs for those that need them
No posts here for 3 days .
Should I be worried ?
Thanks for the reminder NiceGuy!
Okay, it's Day Eight, and so far I haven't grossly insulted anybody (to my knowledge), yelled a lot or commited GBH on anything more defenceless than a Somerfield Chocolate Brownie dessert. Will is still speaking to me, the forbearing soul.
The craving is there - catching me unawares at odd moments. Mornings are easier to contemplate without the ritual caffeine and nicotine breakfast, I'm sleeping better, and my health is still improving.
One confession... I tried to buy cigarettes on Saturday in Tesco's. My daughter reminded me, quite forcefully, that I didn't smoke anymore. So I didn't buy the cigarettes and I thanked my daughter. I think I just had a mind lapse, particularly as I had my infant Gorgon with me.
Everyone needs their own personal minder - anyone like to borrow mine for a while? Comes highly recommended, very vigilant, makes Ruby Wax sound like Mrs Tiggywinkle. Anyone? Please...?
Sappho xxx
Hey Sappho.
Great news thanks.
I am in awe .....wow !!!
I truly feared the worst...may I say absolutely wonderfully marvellously well done!!
Your achievement is massive .....never forget that. Relish the moments you get caught unawares ....I still do after 2 years ....they serve as reminders of the slavery to addiction you once endured.I live with a smoker who leaves their cigs about occasionally, if I stumble across them accidentally I get a rush of desire to just try one...
I find masterbation quickly cures the urge ...lol ...kidding ...honest
Hey and I bet only another couple of weeks and you'll have paid of your credit card bill for the shopping extravaganza you enjoyed.
Oh and well done to your little minder.... its only cos she loves you so much....and besides its her job to be a pain in the ass..thats what kids do!.
Have you heard how any of the others are doing ?
You now have momentum sappho ......your success is amazing feel tremendously proud of yourself!
And dont waste that all that angst and effort ...from hereon in it gets easier trust me .
I know that this thread is really for those giving up rather than their supporters, but I wanted to share a little incident that I thought you should all know about.
During a telephone conversation with Sappho yesterday she happened to start a sentence with "When I was a smoker.....".
I had to stop her and say "Do you realise what you have just said?" The fact that it was done entirely unconsciously is deeply significant, I think. It means that she no longer thinks of herself as a smoker.
I am so incredibly proud of her! :happy:
Sappho - I still don't actually feel like a non-smoker yet even though I am telling myself every hour that I am!!
Kit :upset: :therethere: :rose: hang in there!
I suppose if I am absolutely honest I don't see myself as a non-smoker or former smoker just yet. The urge is still there, the desire to smoke, but the odd thing is that I don't want to because there are too many important people relying on me not to.
Today I sat in my favourite cafe with a hot chocolate. The waitress saw me reading Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking. "Oh, I read him four years ago," she said. "Haven't smoked since!"
Then it was the turn of the manageress who explained that she was a smoker who wanted to give up, again. It ended with a time-honoured confabulation of women giving mutual support; the former smoker, the novice ex-smoker and the would-be quitter. I didn't read much of my book, but I left feeling reassured and happier than I went in. That could have been the hot chocolate of course, but I don't think so.
There is one thing about Carr's book which has stuck in my mind. I won't quote the whole book, but this in particular is an important distinction in how you view stopping smoking.
Essentially he says, by using the phrase 'giving up', makes it sound as though you are making a sacrifice in stopping smoking. In fact, as he points out you are sacrificing nothing, but gaining in health, wealth, wellbeing and happiness. So, I'm no longer giving up, I'm now quitting.
Lots of love to my fellow quitters
Sappho xxx
Hi all you non smokers(hopefully)
Just wanted an update post munch as there must have been so much temptation(to smoke) for those that attended.
This will truly be another tremendous milestone if you managed to survive and yet another reason to pat yoursleves on the back.
Already a fortnight ....onwards and upwards
Okay, big confession time. I did have a drag on a cigarette - twice. But not a whole one, much though the temptation was there. Otherwise, I was quite good-ish!
But if wishes were horse, beggars would ride - and I'd have had a pack of twenty. Back to Allen Carr.
Sappho xxx
A big WELL DONE Kat the mixture of alchohol and social gatherings conspire to seduce ones senses in such subtle ways . Its a massive achievement to make it through such an event.
By the way rejuvenated taste buds may discern that sausage rolls taste terrible.
The up side is that women taste a hell of a lot better.. :twisted:
Sappho so nearly seduced . I am proud of you ......you climbed your mountain. And you made it to the sweet smelling air at the summit. Its downhill from here ....you still have to watch your step but its easier, just rememebr to look back and see the heights you have scaled............dont throw this away lightly....its huge.
I must confess I took the weed between my lips a couple of weeks ago....... I tried several draws.........coughed me guts up each time......never felt a thing...lol
Hi, i have been reading the past posts on this subject with much admiration and thinking i really should quit.
i started smoking at 9 , god did we not know the dangers or just stupid?. anyhow i quit when i had my first daughter at 19 and never smoked again untill a year ago. The sad thing is i was upset and stressed cuse my dad had passed away and started again over a bottle of wine with a friend. The really stupid thing is my dad died of lung cancer, so why the hell that didnt scare me enough i dont know.
Any way no one in my family knows i smoke, so there will be no support coming from that direction. But on thursday at 7pm i smoked the last cigatette i had and decided no more. its been almost 2 whole days , god i hope i stick at it. anyhow ill keep you posted, well if i suceed that is lol. good luck to the rest .xx
OK!! Time for me to fess up!
I've been smoking tonight.
It's been great...I just hope I can stop it again tomorrow.
Best of luck Fem, it's bloody hard!!
well its now going into the fith day of not smoking, it not been easy, even a simple cuppa holds dangerous consequences lol. first full day at university tomorrow, hope i resist from smoking then.
my consentration and even spelling seems to have gone out the window, hoping they return soon. have had to delet and retype so much of this message. hope everyones doing ok, or do i take it that by not posting youve all lapsed?
Hello all,
Don't want to sound smug or self satisfied but I am still not smoking! Impressed? I'm bloody amazed, but that is down to two people in particular - my darling brat and my own Will.
In a sense it is getting easier, I go for longer periods of time without thinking about it; and in another sense it gets harder when the craving takes me unawares. I'll admit it, I would love a cigarette right now, but I have got this far already.
All the very best fem_4_taboo - you can do this! A lot of us are in the same boat - Kit and Kat, BlueEyes, Byron, Bassdude - and we're right there with you. PM if we can help at all.
Sappho xxx
:twisted: I just need distracting at those difficult times Sappho :twisted:
Kit + Kat :twisted:
And what about us non-smoking well-wishers? There must be something we can do to provide some necessary distraction.
Well I am losing touch a little with progress of our valiant troop ...
What is it 3 or 4 weeks now?
Sappho ...brilliant , you have the addiction on the back foot ....as you say it will catch you unaware sometimes.....just be aware its still doing that to me after 2 years...draw strength from your achievement....wow your a real giving upper now.
Kit and Kat how goes it with you ...I know Kit had a minor relapse but has it remained as a relapse ?
And Blue Eyes after such anguish yes you will have enjoyed your temporary(I hope ) lapse. In reality they will be probably be some of the very few Cigarrettes that you ever really enjoyed ...if I enjoyed 2 or 3 cigarrettes a day that was as much as it was(you ex smokers know which ones they were) Be strong and dont waste that extraordinary will power you summoned up to get as far as you did.
Welcome to Fem and the best of luck with your endeavours...staying off the tobacco has an amazing effect on ones clarity of thought( yes ok ok you cant tell from my postings...but you should have seen me before).
Any body else got a progress report ? There are some who haven't posted I hope their struggles go well.
Why am I so passionate about this .......I am an ex smoker...and sometimes I need encouragement too.....this is therapy for me ..
But more than that I lost my sister , my mother and my father too diseases that were smoking related...
For your children....
hi again, well its day 9 , and im in a mixed mind at the moment, yes its 9 days ive given up and it must not be playing on my mind as much because i actually had to count up the days, in the beginning i could tell you days hours minnets and seconds lol since id had a ciggarette. :smoke:
i still feel though that i could so easily slip off the waggon, im scared to have a glass of wine , i know that will weeken my resolve and im avoiding any smokers, sorry to those that do smoke but the ones ive encountered since giving up look at me like im the devil, and how dare i go against the tribe. each to their own in everything in life, but respect the desisions other make pleeesssseee.