The only thing Im looking forward to is getting drunk and making a complete arse of myself at new year!!! :twisted:
It hapens without fail every year, even if I go out of my way to avoid it happening!!!
Yes I know! I am grateful!
Just feeling a little bit alone! Im off out to lose myself in the crowds for a a few hours see if that helps!
Cheers! Just a bit hormonal or sommit! I think I got too much time on my hands which is making me restless and think too much!!
Cheers all!
With you on that Fruity. I`m so fucked off with organising everything for everyone else, I`m blowing off everything and everybody on New Years Eve......and that was supposed time for me to have some fun. I just can`t be bolloxed to wipe everyone elses arses for them in order to get some fun for the New Year.
Fuck it all.
Spot on as ever Judy.
This is not my favourite time of year.
I'm fortunate in my job to be up and around for sunrise nearly everyday all year round. The problem I have with the winter is that I'm usually up fartoo long before sunrise and still at it far too long aftersunset. Sometimes feels like I'm working three shifts insted of the usual two :shock:
But as ever; JudyTV hit the nail on the head. It won't be long before we start lokking forward to the longer days and all that they bring.
Generally, I like christmas. I get very giddy and excited if I see so much as a single snow flake, I walk around with a cheery smile on my face wishing everyone I meet a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
This year however, I have had a particularly shitty christmas, and it looks like the New Year is going to follow along the same lines. I am in the frame of mind at the moment where I can't wait for it all to be over so I can get back to my office and bury myself in work in the vain hope that all the hurt I'm feeling will just slowly subside.
I know that there are people worse off than me, it just doesn't feel like it at the moment.
HNY to everyone