aahhhh Ebay
my wife spends that much time on ebay on the other computer i actually phoned ntl to say my broadband was slow but it was her high speed ebaying that was slowing it down.
she can flick through at about ten pages a minute.
the post man now knows a secret place in the garden to stash parcels when delivered and when i have to go and pick up a parcel from royal mail because it needs a signiture they no longer ask for id and greet me by name i go that often.
*MISSCHIEF - silently leaves The Cafe, registers the domain name - gets it off the ground as a real business, then sits back and watches the £millions roll in*
Just checked ... domain available for £12 (.com) or (2 years . ) Go for it Misschief......
wonder if there's a certain search word you can put into google and it puts both Swingingheaven and easyspace in the same results :shock: :shock: