I know I'm dumb, but what the hell is a VPL?
In that case, no I don't .... it's much more sexy thinking that a girl is wearing no knix ..... and better still if she really isn't!
There is actually an acronym for the edge of a woman's panties showing through?
Well blow me if I iron the 'cimsc'.
I detest seeing a VPL. I, as you may know, don't do undies, mainly because I feel uncomfortable in them, but secondly because of my destation of the dreaded VPL. Hate to see it, would die if I had one.
Definately much prefer my lovely wife to be without the panties at all,mmmmmmmmmmm
I can't believe I'm the only person here that likes to see a woman's panty line. :shock:
I remember doing the Saturday morning trudge round Tesco's a couple of years ago when this vision in a short white skirt appeared and you could see her white 'skimpies' through the material. I could have followed her round all day. Damn, I wish I was braver.
A visible panty line has great aesthetic value, IMO.
If I can see the line, I'm getting a rough idea of the shape of the garment, so I'm wondering what kind of material it's made of, what colour it is, should I use hands or teeth to remove it, ditto for moving it to one side if I'm in a hurry ;)
If i see no VPL, I think "Oh, there's a naked bum under there".Well I know what that looks like don't I? It's nice to have to use your imagination :twisted:
Here's a treat for those of you who like 'whale tails' when the tops of thongs show through!
VPL...eewwwwwwwwwww...hate it.