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I may not be around for a while

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Quote by jennaj
Mother in law goes in hosptial tomorrow.

Hi jennaj, i dont now you are your family but i would like to say i hope it goes well and i will also be praying for you and your family.
Thank you very much mikey I have spoken to her this morning actually I woke her up oops. She has to see if there is a bed for her.
same thing going on here right now no really feeling for you, will say an extra one, it can only help. xxxxxxxxxx
C & P
That is sad pete what are they doing for her.
My regards are with you and I will also be praying for her.
She had a kidney failure, is on dialysis at the moment and was doing great till that bloody MRSA took hold sad sent her on a downward spiral, touch and go at the minute which is why we haven't been around much.
Hope all goes well for you and yours, there are times when you just feel so bloody useless.
My thoughts and prayers go out to her.
Mother in law goes in tomorrow for her op
Tomorrow morning.
Hiya Jennaj,
Hope everything goes well for tomorrow.
Best wishes :rose:
Quote by jennaj
Mother in law goes in tomorrow for her op
Tomorrow morning.

kiss :rose: Hope it all goes well.
Thank you pete
Please remember her
and remember me as i go back to work after 6 months off
Jenna, my thoughts, prayers, and good wishes go to you, and your family, we will all be praying for a successful op tomorrow, and all be thinking of you and your family
Please let everyone know how things go
With love and hugs
Best of luck jennaj
Are prayers also go out for you and your family.
Shaz & Tony
Thank you husband has gone to pick her up and i will know more later.
Mother in law has had the operation this afternoon and is awake but very sleepy
Hello sh
Me again
Just to tell you i know that i have left this a bit late. But the operation went really well on monday late afternoon went really well. She was very tired on monday. Also I was at a meeting on tuesday night and when my partner picked me up he said she may not need chemo.
I am praying and hoping that she will not need this as It can cause many problems side effects etc.
My thoughts are with you all as well
Love ya
Great to hear it appears to be going OK.
Thank you phoenix
She is at home tonight
and we just need to find out if she needs chemo
The one doctor said she doesnt
Hiya Jenna, i have just seen this thread and know exactly how you feel. My gran had the same at 81, just over 5 years ago. She had her breast removed and has been on Tamoxifen since. She has just had her 5 year check up and they have now removed her from the medication. Have faith, its amazing what they can deal with, my gran is very brave and is still ticking after having had allot of ill health since her 60's. Im very proud of her, and if im still going at her age, I will be very thankful.
My prayers are with you , your mother in law and your family.
Thank you
My faith is very strong
And she will get better
Hi all
My mother in law goes for her check up next week and one of the doctors is saying that she may not need to have radio. Lets hope this is true as it can knock her about a bit
I have an update on my mother in law which has really upset me. She has to go into hospital again to have her lymph removing and she may need radio and chemo treatment. This is going to knock her around so much. I am having doubts that we may lose her.
Hi Jennaj,
Fingers crossed everything will go ok.
:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
Share these with yourself and your Mum-in-law.
Thank you
I am just hurting so much and my partner is not even showing his hurt
It could be that he is trying to be strong for you, he must be devastated inside.
When my dad was diagnosed with a brain tumor, i always thought he would get over it, but deep down i was hurting, it was hard to keep it to myself, he will be hurting, but maybe he doesn't want to seem weak.
Thoughts are with you both.
I dont know what to think just that I am really hurting and I dont know why he isnt.
Just want her to be well. Things always go wrong around christmas
getting closer for my mom in law to be going in and now the family and very upset about it as we feel the worse.
Quote by jennaj
I dont know what to think just that I am really hurting and I dont know why he isnt.
Just want her to be well. Things always go wrong around christmas

If he is like me, the worry will be hidden behind the manly exterior. maybe trying to appear strong for you and the stiff upper lip.
I cannot let my emotions come to the front too often as they can overwhelm me, which is no good for me anyanyone else.
Fingers crossed.
yeah he is being very brave about it all.
Just so sad to see people go through this
He's probably trying to put on a brave face for everyone else's sake.
I really don't know what else to say.
You are probably right.
He is much stronger then me