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I may not be around for a while

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The treatment and chemo are there hun, equally important is the care and support that i'm sure you and your family will give her afterwards. Keep faith, stay strong and you'll all come through this.
But the chemo can make her sick and make her lose her hair. She is jamaican and already has something wrong with her stomach as well. Hope she does pull through.
my thought are with you good luck
i found a lump last night and was at the doctors today but its a cist but got to check it in a cpl of week so im hopeing everything is going to go well
thanks jo xxxx
Well done for checking some women dont check then they find out it is too late. I am glad it wasnt so bad.
Thinking of you to.
7 yrs ago my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer...
She had both of her breasts removed to be on the safe side...
Jennaj..... Did u know that breast cancer isn't related with smoking?
no i never knew that.
thanks for the info what causes it
Quote by jennaj
no i never knew that.
thanks for the info what causes it

Everybody has it.... it just needs something to trigger it off
Also, breat cancer is very common in men...
By all accounts everybody has all kinds of cancer's laying dorment in their bodies, some health people came to my kids school and told them that my kids came home thinking they was going to die cause they had cancer confused
I do not think that is fair telling children what they are going to die from.
She still looks really ill but plodding on.
1 week today my mother in law goes into hospital for her operation. Saw her yesterday and she looked terrible. I think she is worried.
Sorry to hear this jennaj sad
Our thoughts are with you
My mother inlaw also had breast cancer about a year ago but luckily made a full recovery.
She wasn't as old as your mother-in-law she was 60 but the risks was just as high as she also has chronic asthma that she daily uses a nebulizer for, thyroid problems and a crumbling spine that she's on a tens machine for and because of all this she couldn't have the therapy after the operation :(
But despite all the odds she overcame it smile
So keep your chin up and be strong for her, Don't let her see you or others down, you want her to see you strong as it will make her feel stronger :)
medical science is improving with leaps and bounds at the moment, i'm sure she has a lot more chance recovering than anything else :)
Best of luck for you all hun, take care
Sharon & Tony xx
True I will try and stay strong for the family. As my I am very strong at the moment. I think my partner is very worried
My mother in law is carrying on with live as we all should but deep down I am hurting as I would not want this to happen to my mom. I am adopted as well so I do not know who my actaul mom is.
It is so devasting when you find out these things. Even for men.
Never met you, never met your mum, but I have had a close relative with a similar medical condition so my heartfelt thoughts are with you at this time.
The fact they are operating is good news in itself, and, provided they have caught it early enough the prognosis should be good.
Get as mush information as you can from the specialists dealing with your mum and ask them to give you realistic expectations. It's impossible for anybody to be of any real help at a time like this so, chip up, and good luck to your Mum.
Thank you for your thoughts paul
They may go to operate and find nothing there as I have a number of churches praying for her so who knows
Quote by jennaj
Thank you for your thoughts paul
They may go to operate and find nothing there as I have a number of churches praying for her so who knows

What do u mean they may operate and find nothing there???
If there was nothing there they wouldn't be operating in the 1st place... sorry if that sounds harsh... but its true... I think u mean that it may not of spread. Hopefully for those concerned it won't of spread.
Quote by blueocean
Hi Jenna, really sorry to hear your news and hope the op goes ok for your mum in law. I didn't have any contact with my mum for about 10 years and then she called me in March to tell me she had breast cancer. It is devastating my mum is only 52 years old. Since March she has had a mastectomy and is due to have the right breast removed in November if she is well enough. She is in a hospice at the moment, she seems in good spirits but I think that is so that the family feels better. Hopefully she will have the second op in November and everything will be fine after that. Fingers crossed
Our thoughts are with you. kiss

Blueocean... I know exactly what u mean... Like i say, my mum was diagnose with breat cancer also, at the age of 45... had 2 mastectomys and has pulled through..
Quote by LilMissGullable
Thank you for your thoughts paul
They may go to operate and find nothing there as I have a number of churches praying for her so who knows

What do u mean they may operate and find nothing there???
If there was nothing there they wouldn't be operating in the 1st place... sorry if that sounds harsh... but its true... I think u mean that it may not of spread. Hopefully for those concerned it won't of spread.
I read it as: because Jennaj has got some people praying for her aunt's good health, they doctors may start to operate and find nothing there..... it sure would be a miracle. Let us know how it went Jennaj !
Sorry that I confused you saying about when they go to operate that they may find nothing.
Yes i have had people praying over her. And i have been praying myself.
I did not mean for that to sound harsh and I am still upset over it.
Sorry you misunderstood me
That is what i meant, I gave her a hand-kerchief. To put under her pillow. Thought I would explain it.
Hi Jenna
Like everyone has said before, my thoughts are with you, and your family
We will all be hoping and praying that the op goes OK next Monday, and that she pulls through
You have loads of friends on here, who will be saying a prayer for her
Love David
thank you very much
we are still praying for her at the church i used to go to.
Mother in law goes in to hospital on sunday. She has to ring up to see if there is a bed available for her. And then they will operate on monday morning.
I will keep you informed how it went.
i am new here but would like to say you are in my thoughts and preyers, hope it all goes well....
kiss :therethere:
Thank you very much that is very nice of you.
hope you have fun while on here.
Just feeling a little scared as it is getting closer.
try not to be scared, my friend went through a similar situation early this year and thank god it was very successfull.......... so my fingers are crossed and if you need to just have a chat then pm me .
thank you
I have a lot of people who have been praying for her and I know a few people who have been healed.
Mother in law goes in hosptial tomorrow.
Quote by jennaj
Mother in law goes in hosptial tomorrow.

the Laird
thank you
need hugs as little scared for her. hope there is a bed for her,