Sports Commentator: ".....and for only the second time in history, an English Captain lifts the Football World Cup!"
Well not in my bleedin' lifetime anyway!! .... hehehe
"I would love a coffee , please..."
Smoker Jim.
No! A war on terror plays into the hands of terrorists, we're going to be calm and reasonable.... and work out a diplomatic peaceful solution.
George Bushwhacker...
tonight, i think i will only post replies that are nice and helpful, and not take the piss out of anyone at all...." (yeah , right!)
Happy Cats.
Re: W.M.A. " Here is the proof " Tony Blair
No No... The shop is only round the corner - leave the limousines out - i'll walk!
Mariah Carey
I can't contain it any more - i want the French Frog B*stards nuked!
Tony Blair
No this is just an illusion - in reality i'm actually a 12 ft fairy princess from the land of the free speaking!
Justin Timberlake
Thank you so, so much for being a talentless waste of space - you make me look better! I'm being serious, thank you!
Frank Skinner to David Baddiel
You know i actually prefer "Barry Trotter" - comic genius!
J.K. Rowling
Tonight there will be very severe storms.
Michael Fish
Ah, so that's what a reverse gear looks like.
Tony Blair
" actually I think its time we stopped just wasting money on making their corrupt politicians rich , and just tried to properly educate them about HIV and population issues. "
Bob Geldorf
"I can't believe they keep buying this crap".
J K Rowling
I dont want to shag you Happy Cats!
A woman
"Yes, alright, we admit it. Fox hunting really is cruel and we should all be put up against a wall and shot for defending it."
Every toff who's ever been on a hunt.
"I've had enough of being the head of state. Charles, it's your turn."
The Queen.
We'll fight em on the beaches
A french man
You need to lose the cat avatar, theres not room for both of us, I'm a bigger pussy than you!
Listen! I shall say this only once!
Fred Elliott
I will never hijack my own thread.....
Happy cats........
oh dear, the cats taking a pasting tonite :sparring: