My son wants an i pod for Xmas . So can someone tell me please , what the difference between an i pod and a mp3 player is ? , and which one is the better buy.
Thanks in advance.
I just bought an Ipod a few weeks ago, absolutely brilliant. Can hold thousands and thousands of tracks on a 40Gb hard drive. MP3 players tend to not hold any where near as many tracks. You can get the Ipod 40gb for about £280-£300 and an Ipod mini, which holds less but is just as good, for a bit less. Not sure how much the MP3 players are. My personal preference would be Ipod, but I'm biased!
Hope that helps
I'd personally go for something like the Creative Zen Touch, or an iRiver H140. Just as good, if not better than the iPod and cheaper too.
Creative Zen Jukebox Extra, 60gb which apparantly equates to about 16,000 tracks! from Amazon, probably cheaper if you look around. That's the one I want, not because I need space for 16,000 tracks but because I'm greedy! The iPod is pretty hip though.
I don't know if you know, but used with an Apple mac the ipod can be used as an external hard drive. So not only can you store mp3's you can store data and mpegs as well.
I don't know if this applys to other makes.
Ease of use, just plug it in and it appears on the desktop as an icon.
Windows is fine, not a problem at all.
You can use a PC to download audio to an ipod, the ipod also comes with software to copy music from an audio cd to pc (ripping) and from there on to the ipod. It also comes with software that allows you to download music from the web (at a cost though!).
You can still download music from the web and other people to the ipod, I will just add that it is possible to do this whether you are allowed to do so under copyright rules or not, but of course I would not condone breaching copyright (SH rules do not allow for illegal stuff to be discussed here)
Hope that helps.
Thanks Everybody , suppose it's off to the shops to try and find an i pod.
No-one and nothing will get me to part with my beautiful iPod - I don't care if Zen is better (DJohn where the fuck are you) or Creative is bigger (Nallers, is that yours??) the iPod is form and function in one complete package. Even the big square box had me in some form of weird design rapture.
When/if buying one now make sure you get the NEW one with only one big wheel - I have the one with a number of small 'press pads' under the screen and a touch wheel but the newest ones don't.
BTW I have my iPod wired up to my car stereo via a FM Modulator - more power to the mighty Nallers for that idea.