Ok, just have to share this.
I had a date recently.
It was wonderful. Dinner, drinks, jazz bar, fantastic hotel, great company ... all the right ingredients for a great time.
until ......
My date got too drunk (yep ... more than me if thats possible ) and in the cab on the way back to the aforementioned wonderful hotel he started to doze off. No, that's not the problem.
It was when my leg started to feel very warm.
He pissed himself all over my dress and boots!!!!!!
pissed over your boots??????
Ab, send blonde's hubbie after him with his newly aquired chainsaw! :twisted:
years ago i had a lodger who would go out on an afternoon to the pub and easily drink around 14 pints of lager.
He would then come home and fall asleep on one of my nice chairs..occasionally 'wetting' himself
I would obviously try to rouse him so he could disinfect the chair..Joy of joys!
Any way i took to coating the chairs with black bags and towels before he collapsed into his squiffy state.
A few years later after he'd left/got married/and got divorced, i spoke to his ex wife who told me that one of the reasons she divorced him was his penchant for 'wet warming' her back in bed after a night out :shock:
lol...brought a smile to my face.............