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I want sex........

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19 replies
0 watchers
....or at least just to taste another woman!
However as im new to this im a little bit worried....worried about what sort of people im likely to meet if i do go through with this....
Are you all freaks?? lol - only kidding im here arent i??
And i am i liable to 'pick something nasty up'?
Tostart i would just like t maybe watch a couple and maybe join in if it felt right with no pressure.
Do people on here do that sort of thing or is that a bit mamby pamby?
Help please????
Quote by Scandal
And i am i liable to 'pick something nasty up'?

She'll be along later! :lol2:
sooner than you think :dry:
So many questions deserve an answer
Quote by PaperGiant
Are you all freaks?? Yep I am the rest of em don't seem too bad
And i am i liable to 'pick something nasty up'? I guess thats down to you isn't it play safe and all that

Tostart i would just like t maybe watch a couple and maybe join in if it felt right with no pressure. It takes time nothing happens over night sit back join in have a browse and see how you get on
Do people on here do that sort of thing or is that a bit mamby pamby? dunno you've lost me
Help please????

As for the header "I need sex" yep me too :cry:
I've done the best I can as I'm a bit unsure what to make of it all but :welcome:
Quote by PaperGiant
However as im new to this im a little bit worried

Only a bit.............. brave aren't you lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by PaperGiant
Are you all freaks??

Only the nice ones. The rest are just boring.
Quote by PaperGiant
And i am i liable to 'pick something nasty up'?

Only if the mods haven't cleaned up the GFZ after the wekend :lol: :lol: :lol:
Seriously, if you mean STIs, we are all responsible for our own sexual health, so that is up to you.
Quote by PaperGiant
Tostart i would just like t maybe watch a couple and maybe join in if it felt right with no pressure.
Do people on here do that sort of thing or is that a bit mamby pamby?

Yeah, some do that sort of thing, but you have to pass the initiation test first........... start running.................. NOW............
You are not running around with a strapon and lube again are you??
Quote by PaperGiant
And i am i liable to 'pick something nasty up'?

Yes- if you don't request a photo before you meet! smile
best to wear a condom when operating your pc. as getting a virus could be nasty, oh and gloves too, keyboards can be so risky. we must all protect ourselves from electronicly transmitted dieseases you know.
Quote by PaperGiant
And i am i liable to 'pick something nasty up'?
Help please????

What you need is a pooper scooper , or some tongs.
Quote by peenut
best to wear a condom when operating your pc. as getting a virus could be nasty, oh and gloves too, keyboards can be so risky. we must all protect ourselves from electronicly transmitted dieseases you know.

Don't forget the dental dams - if you like licking the screen!! redface
I agree! Here is what the best dressed swingers are wearing for the next munch
Quote by PaperGiant
....or at least just to taste another woman!
However as im new to this im a little bit worried....worried about what sort of people im likely to meet if i do go through with this....
Are you all freaks?? lol - only kidding im here arent i??
And i am i liable to 'pick something nasty up'?
Tostart i would just like t maybe watch a couple and maybe join in if it felt right with no pressure.
Do people on here do that sort of thing or is that a bit mamby pamby?
Help please????

Oh you mamby pamby away lol
Take things at your own pace, stick within your limits and you can't go far wrong. Why not try a club or a party, purely as a voyeur? Then you can sus out the atmosphere, chat to other people and see for yourself what the scene is like biggrin
Missy - who took near on two years of mamby pambering :uhoh:
Hey why not just come to one of the munches and find out ?
Quote by Sassy-Seren
I agree! Here is what the best dressed swingers are wearing for the next munch

:shock: :shock: :shock:
I bloody hope not you should see what PK has had me pricing up and it isn't one of them, it'll be like the fancy dress party from only fools and horses except i'll turn up looking fine and every other sod will be in a NBC suit redface
Quote by PaperGiant
....or at least just to taste another woman!
However as im new to this im a little bit worried....worried about what sort of people im likely to meet if i do go through with this....
Are you all freaks?? lol - only kidding im here arent i??
And i am i liable to 'pick something nasty up'?
Tostart i would just like t maybe watch a couple and maybe join in if it felt right with no pressure.
Do people on here do that sort of thing or is that a bit mamby pamby?
Help please????

I ignored this as i thought it was another wrong place thread lol
PaperGiant just take it easy n relax. :welcome: to this place :lol:
Just have a look round for now and ask questions if needs be. Take care on your thread titles though :lol:
Ok Ok sorry!!!!
I know to be carefull, and thats down to me, so ignore that point,
But thanks for all your comments peeps!
Quote by PaperGiant
Ok Ok sorry!!!!
I know to be carefull, and thats down to me, so ignore that point,
But thanks for all your comments peeps!

No probs we are all loon in here lol
not sure how we`d feel if we met someone who just wanted to sit and watch us perform................. confused
do the watching bit with the cams in the chatroom............. :twisted:
Quote by goose35
Ok Ok sorry!!!!
I know to be carefull, and thats down to me, so ignore that point,
But thanks for all your comments peeps!

No probs we are all loon in here lol
Now speak for yourself goose, The last time I was called that I sat in the corner and shook, :eeek: mind you BikerST did say it improved my rythm rolleyes
Quote by PaperGiant
I want sex............or at least just to taste another woman!
Don't we all :rascal: passionkiss 69position hump