And you know what the ultimate piss-take is?
It's paid monthly, about £60k a time, but is reduced if he gets a new job in that 12 month gardening leave period.
Poor lamb.
There just has to be an oh so exclusive club somewhere where they are all up each others arse so far they're untouchable. Really does make you wonder though doesn't it. Most average workers won't see that amount of money over their whole working life span. Do you think it will ever stop?
Got to say that the answer is the exact opposite MORE people need to put their crosses on their polling cards,an educated politically aware electorate is the only way to make government answerable......a man in fear of losing his job does what he's told.
Good question ???
why do those who fuck up in the corprate work getsive pay off???....
well the answer to that one i think is they aren't that stupid and have it written into there contracts..
That is if screw up ..i still want the massive pay off and fuck the rest of the workers....
i dont care about them ...i'm looking out for me....