Hi there,
I am new to post on the forum but have been browsing it for a while. I have laughed my head off at some of the things that get said. Everyone here seems really friendly. Some of the topics are just great.
I thought I'd take the plunge and finally say hi. Hope to get to know you all better.
Be gentle with me!!
p.s. I'm a bloke. The forum name is a bit ambiguous.
:welcome: to the site.
Hope you enjoy yourself.
Please DO NOT FEED THE NEILINLEEDS (or give him Stella)!
Hi and welcome from a fellow newbie, love your Avatar BTW
Sorry guys, you're not even close!
Hello and welcome :wave2:
Welcome to SH Kangaroo! Have fun in the forum - it may seem like a merry-go-round in here some days but it's best to just hop on and go with it. The vast majority are as mentally challenged as a Mad Hatter's teaparty, but they're awfully sweet for all that. If you see a chap with a rapier and a quill pen, don't worry, he belongs to me.
Just one note of caution, seeing as my esteemed colleagues haven't yet mentioned it: this place is highly addictive, and whilst several have tried the cold turkey of abstinence, they invariably scuttle back to the warm embrace of SH. You have been warned.
Sappho xxx (not in the least away with the fairies!)