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ideas for verifying members as genuine

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do you think the site should have a verification system

Quote by kentswingers777
Look on page one I think the third reply down. It was from me. lol
Now read it again, and that has now proved to be the case. This has been talked about for ages, and it seems most do not want it.
We would be quite happy to verify we are genuine, but then again we have pics up and a filled out profile.
A lot on here have no pics, or even a profile filled out. What chance have you of getting those people to get verified?
I cannot understand why people have no pics, and am not talking about facial ones. Or why some lazy buggers do not even fill out their profiles.
A lot say about discretion, I say bollocks to that. If we can do it, then why can't others?
You are wasting your time even discussing the verification thingy, as it ain't gonna happen m8. wink

No pics or profile text to speak of on either My Wifes or my account.....
We prefer to do our advertising in a different way....
We spend time,and considerable effort,attending socials/munches and meeting people and making friends...
Works just fine for us....And a fair few other folk as well....
And as for if you can have pics why cant everyone else and bollocks to it being for discretions sake well....
If you only knew the things that have been happening in our lives over the last 3 or 4 years then any scandal created by us having pics on here would have made things 20 times worse than it already has been....
There are a few on here who are really close friends and they know our story and will verify :wink: that it would have caused grief of unknown proportions....
It still won't work.
Meh, what do I care. People will find out on their own when you see it used to ruin reputations.
Oh hang on, your advocating a system where negatives are not allowed.
So their will only be two types of people then....those that have no verification and those that have good ones. How does that help spot timewasters?
One question then.......
The point of that is?
Quote by staffcple
It still won't work.
Meh, what do I care. People will find out on their own when you see it used to ruin reputations.
Oh hang on, your advocating a system where negatives are not allowed.
So their will only be two types of people then....those that have no verification and those that have good ones. How does that help spot timewasters?
One question then.......
The point of that is?
newbies are left out in the cold!
kff, I've had a quick skim through, and I still don't understand why you think verification makes your life any easier? Bring verification in, and you'll have, just off the top of my head, at least the following categories of users:
Those who are exactly what they say they are, genuine.
Those who have somehow managed to abuse the system, aren't what they say they are, not genuine.
Those whose status has changed since they were verified, but retain their verification, dubious.
Those who are exactly what they say they are, but choose not to use it, genuine.
Those who are exactly what they say they are, but can't yet get verified, genuine.
Those who cannot get verified, because they are not genuine.
In what sense has the verification system eliminated doubt? If you were to choose to approach only those members with verified profiles, you would be eliminating a large proportion of perfectly genuine users from consideration, but you would still have the problem of trying to work out whether the verified users you do approach are genuine, or abusers of the system.
At the moment, everyone is in the same boat, and we all have to work out our own strategies for choosing and approaching potential playmates. Bring in verification, you remove that level playing field and yet doubt still remains. How has it helped? Genuine question.
Neil x x x ;)
The only way to make a verification system "work" is for it to work in a similar system to googles page rank system.
A "verification" from a "well verified" user adds more weight to your verification.
The more verifications you have, the more you count when you verify somebody else.
Nobody except the user should be able to see who verified them, all others simply see your verification "rank".
Obviously this still far from perfect.
Quote by Sixfootsix
The only way to make a verification system "work" is for it to work in a similar system to googles page rank system.
A "verification" from a "well verified" user adds more weight to your verification.
The more verifications you have, the more you count when you verify somebody else.
Nobody except the user should be able to see who verified them, all others simply see your verification "rank".
Obviously this still far from perfect.

Theoretically it sounds good. Then you get people calling their mates and verifying each other to boost their rank.
Sounds far fetched? Only this week I have had "friends" call me to ask me to "boost" the bid on something they are selling on E-bay and one asked me to fill in a recomendation on a trade association site to say he is good, trustworthy and cheap.
If people want to cheat and fool people they can. Verification is just a tool that can be used and abused. Your own time and intuition should be used. If you keep getting time wasters you need to look inwards not outwards at what the problem is.
I've come to the conclusion though that no amount of discussing it will change anything. Admin will almost definitely bring it in sometime soon and hopefully we'll have a choice as to whether to use it or not. I personally don't want it, but it's not my voice shouting the loudest. If the majority want it, then let them have it. Two tier system or not, it does seem that *in general* the current members of the site might want the option. According to the Poll so far that's not the case, but I suspect that a site-wide poll might give a very different result.
Another thing is, a lot of time has passed since the infamous 52 page thread. The membership has changed drastically, Mark no longer owns the site and we have a commercial company running things instead of one swinger who understood our needs at the time.
Times have changed, membership numbers and needs have changed, and as long as I have the option not to use the system then it probably won't make any difference to me. My reason for being so angry about it last time was that I was verified without prior discussion or consent, telling everyone in the chatroom that I was "A verified user is one who is active on the swing scene and who actually meets others on the scene for consensual, recreational sex" Funnily enough, I wasn't actually meeting for sex at the time and I never did find out who'd verified me as being an active single bi fem ;)
Well there you have it. Strong opinions on both sides.
Where is the problem with having a verification system that SOME want to use? It is not a compulsary thing, you are not forced to say it positive or negative.
What is it that some do not understand about that?
We are on another site where there is a verification system, wh have two comments on there saying " nice couple, turned up as arranged ". It does not say we were shit shags, or total tossers. It gives others an indication that we ARE as couple and that we turn up, that's it.
It is a bit like people moaning about certain topics on the forum, and going in there to say something negative. The whole point is if you do not like something, then walk away from it. The verification system can be used by those who WANT to use it.
It is like your profile and pictures on here, a lot enter nothing, but you are not forced to enter anything, people who do, do it of their own free will. A verification system could easily run along the same lines.
We are lucky we do our homework on people, and we make double checks they are who they say they are, before we agree a meet. It has most of the time worked for us.
For those who do NOT want a verification system here, why are you so against it, if it is something you are not forced to enter into? Can someone explain that to me?
If you was being forced to by SH then fair enough, but you can leave it blank and nothing will change for you, as to how it is now but...if people want to enter things like " turned up for meet ", why do you have a problem with that?
here's an idea being rolled out by another site... photo verification... sounds a good idea still open to abuse, but its much less open to abuse.
the site verifies you against your pics. with a picture that only admin of the site see, it must be a recent pic with your username clearly seen on a piece of card/paper that you are actually holding in the pic.
yes, people could then ask a fem to pose with them to make a couple profile, then carry on as a single. also just because you look like your pics doesn't mean your going to turn up, and yes the more gifted photoshop users may be able to generate a decent enough convincing image, but at least its one "body" doing the verification not your mates or yourself on a second profile.
its probably the best verification idea we've seen so far... here's what the site have said will happen:-
About Photo Verification
For single females and couples it is a great way proving you are a genuine female, or a couple, and it makes the site better for everyone who is genuine and harder for fakers and idiots pretending to be something they're not. For single guys it proves your pics are genuine and it helps you stand out from the crowd. Verification photos are 100% private and only seen by the site owners or trusted admin.
It's quick and easy to get photo-verified:
1. Hand write the sitename deleted and your username clearly on a piece of paper
a photograph of yourselves holding the piece of paper (we need to either see your faces OR the photo needs to be nude and full length if you're concerned about privacy; your choice).
3. Upload using the special photo verification link.
We'll review the photo, check that it matches the photos on your account and your account type (so if you're a couple we need to see both of you) and your account type and approve it. If you're not holding the piece of paper with your username and sitename on, we won't accept the verification pic because it proves nothing.
Your profile page will show the "photo-verified" icon
For females and couples, proves you are who you say you are and that you're not single guys pretending.
Proves your photos are genuine because we check they match your verification pic.
Highlights your profile with a special photo verified flag:
Makes the site better for everyone who is genuine and harder for fakers and timewasters.
We'll be giving extra benefits to those who are photo-verified shortly so stay tuned and get verified.
Quote by Angel Chat
I've come to the conclusion though that no amount of discussing it will change anything. Admin will almost definitely bring it in sometime soon and hopefully we'll have a choice as to whether to use it or not. I personally don't want it, but it's not my voice shouting the loudest. If the majority want it, then let them have it. Two tier system or not, it does seem that *in general* the current members of the site might want the option. According to the Poll so far that's not the case, but I suspect that a site-wide poll might give a very different result.
Another thing is, a lot of time has passed since the infamous 52 page thread. The membership has changed drastically, Mark no longer owns the site and we have a commercial company running things instead of one swinger who understood our needs at the time.
Times have changed, membership numbers and needs have changed, and as long as I have the option not to use the system then it probably won't make any difference to me. My reason for being so angry about it last time was that I was verified without prior discussion or consent, telling everyone in the chatroom that I was "A verified user is one who is active on the swing scene and who actually meets others on the scene for consensual, recreational sex" Funnily enough, I wasn't actually meeting for sex at the time and I never did find out who'd verified me as being an active single bi fem ;)

I must've written my version of this in Welsh!!
OK, in a nutshell;
Some people like the idea and some don't (as always). While if it used properly it'll be a bonus to some, there's still a"human" element to it and that may lead to mistakes and manipulation of the system on some level, which concerns others.
My 2p's worth:
As long as I can choose to opt out and my profile/verification area states that I have opted out of the system then I'm happy.
If there is an option there to do that, then I can see those that get bad "feedback" simply switching the system off and carrying on.
Utterly pointless unless you're only going to shag those with positive verification, which will narrow the field for some.
Quote by kentswingers777
Well there you have it. Strong opinions on both sides.
Where is the problem with having a verification system that SOME want to use? It is not a compulsary thing, you are not forced to say it positive or negative.
What is it that some do not understand about that?
We are on another site where there is a verification system, wh have two comments on there saying " nice couple, turned up as arranged ". It does not say we were shit shags, or total tossers. It gives others an indication that we ARE as couple and that we turn up, that's it.
It is a bit like people moaning about certain topics on the forum, and going in there to say something negative. The whole point is if you do not like something, then walk away from it. The verification system can be used by those who WANT to use it.
It is like your profile and pictures on here, a lot enter nothing, but you are not forced to enter anything, people who do, do it of their own free will. A verification system could easily run along the same lines.
We are lucky we do our homework on people, and we make double checks they are who they say they are, before we agree a meet. It has most of the time worked for us.
For those who do NOT want a verification system here, why are you so against it, if it is something you are not forced to enter into? Can someone explain that to me?
If you was being forced to by SH then fair enough, but you can leave it blank and nothing will change for you, as to how it is now but...if people want to enter things like " turned up for meet ", why do you have a problem with that?

Kent I think and forgive me if I am wrong, I have seen other threads about this issue. But I have never seen one where it has been metioned that a system could be coming in, but have also said there could be an opting out choice, as you will see if you go back to the beginning of the thread and read again, some people that were very much against it are now saying if there is an opting out choice then we are not as bothered about having the system in place.
What difference it will make to the op concerns I don't know and neither do many others.
Quote by kentswingers777
Well there you have it. Strong opinions on both sides.
Where is the problem with having a verification system that SOME want to use? It is not a compulsary thing, you are not forced to say it positive or negative.
What is it that some do not understand about that?
For those who do NOT want a verification system here, why are you so against it, if it is something you are not forced to enter into? Can someone explain that to me?
If you was being forced to by SH then fair enough, but you can leave it blank and nothing will change for you, as to how it is now but...if people want to enter things like " turned up for meet ", why do you have a problem with that?

Kent, it would not affect Gem or I too much, you're right, because we go about things our own way. We tend to use the social route to find playmates, so do not really use profiles beyond a cursory glance to have a bit of a perv when a new name on the forum catches our eye. ;) It would make no difference to us whether someone was verified or not. It would probably have little impact on long established members.
However, I think it would have something of an impact on some users. Would it mean the unverified get fewer approaches from verified members, or find it harder to arrange meets, cos their lack of verification introduces an element of doubt, and they are somehow seen in a somewhat dubious light? I don't know. Would it impact the ability of new users to get into the swing of things until such time as they are in a position to get themselves verified? Maybe. Does that put a pressure on new users to opt in and get themselves verified , whether that sits well with them or not? Possibly. Is that what this website is all about? Depends on your perspective I suppose.
The point is Kent, if verification is gonna be so advantageous to some users, and I don't personally believe that a strong enough case has yet been made that demonstrates it's advantages, does that necessarily mean it will be to the detriment of some others, and if so, is that entirely fair? dunno
Neil x x x ;)
Quote by neilinleeds
Well there you have it. Strong opinions on both sides.
Where is the problem with having a verification system that SOME want to use? It is not a compulsary thing, you are not forced to say it positive or negative.
What is it that some do not understand about that?
For those who do NOT want a verification system here, why are you so against it, if it is something you are not forced to enter into? Can someone explain that to me?
If you was being forced to by SH then fair enough, but you can leave it blank and nothing will change for you, as to how it is now but...if people want to enter things like " turned up for meet ", why do you have a problem with that?

Kent, it would not affect Gem or I too much, you're right, because we go about things our own way. We tend to use the social route to find playmates, so do not really use profiles beyond a cursory glance to have a bit of a perv when a new name on the forum catches our eye. ;) It would make no difference to us whether someone was verified or not. It would probably have little impact on long established members.
However, I think it would have something of an impact on some users. Would it mean the unverified get fewer approaches from verified members, or find it harder to arrange meets, cos their lack of verification introduces an element of doubt, and they are somehow seen in a somewhat dubious light? I don't know. Would it impact the ability of new users to get into the swing of things until such time as they are in a position to get themselves verified? Maybe. Does that put a pressure on new users to opt in and get themselves verified , whether that sits well with them or not? Possibly. Is that what this website is all about? Depends on your perspective I suppose.
The point is Kent, if verification is gonna be so advantageous to some users, and I don't personally believe that a strong enough case has yet been made that demonstrates it's advantages, does that necessarily mean it will be to the detriment of some others, and if so, is that entirely fair? dunno
Neil x x x ;)
Neil good points raised.
There would be some issues with the new members of the site I believe.
But then some would say as paid members that they are genuine but I haven't personally always seen that to be the case.
Also what happened if the two should meet would the none user have to leave feedback on the users profile and would the user expect to leave feedback on the non users profile?
Quote by neilinleeds
Does that put a pressure on new users to opt in and get themselves verified , whether that sits well with them or not?

Thats the bit that scares me. I have been on forums on other sites where this issue is discussed. Some posts have implied that they felt they were forced to play with people just to show they were genuine to get verified.
Some people may say they shouldn't do anything that is against their principals............but some people do just to fit in.
I have seen plenty of people saying why it is not great and the reasons why they think that. But what are the reasons for again? Is it that you can rely on someone elses decision of someone or am I missing something?
I think the friends and quickies on here already are a verification system that can be used by people if they really want to. Because of that I have deactivated the quickies....................and I have no bloody friends anyway lol
I agree that time wasters never cease to amaze me and the fact that couples are let down is appaling however verification is not a good idea - perhaps there is another way
may be there could be a points system like on ebay
Quote by neilinleeds
Well there you have it. Strong opinions on both sides.
Where is the problem with having a verification system that SOME want to use? It is not a compulsary thing, you are not forced to say it positive or negative.
What is it that some do not understand about that?
For those who do NOT want a verification system here, why are you so against it, if it is something you are not forced to enter into? Can someone explain that to me?
If you was being forced to by SH then fair enough, but you can leave it blank and nothing will change for you, as to how it is now but...if people want to enter things like " turned up for meet ", why do you have a problem with that?

Kent, it would not affect Gem or I too much, you're right, because we go about things our own way. We tend to use the social route to find playmates, so do not really use profiles beyond a cursory glance to have a bit of a perv when a new name on the forum catches our eye. ;) It would make no difference to us whether someone was verified or not. It would probably have little impact on long established members.
However, I think it would have something of an impact on some users. Would it mean the unverified get fewer approaches from verified members, or find it harder to arrange meets, cos their lack of verification introduces an element of doubt, and they are somehow seen in a somewhat dubious light? I don't know. Would it impact the ability of new users to get into the swing of things until such time as they are in a position to get themselves verified? Maybe. Does that put a pressure on new users to opt in and get themselves verified , whether that sits well with them or not? Possibly. Is that what this website is all about? Depends on your perspective I suppose.
The point is Kent, if verification is gonna be so advantageous to some users, and I don't personally believe that a strong enough case has yet been made that demonstrates it's advantages, does that necessarily mean it will be to the detriment of some others, and if so, is that entirely fair? dunno
Neil x x x ;)
How does one judge fair?
IF there was a verification system here, we WOULD opt in. We would look more at verfified members than un verified ones. The reason is that there are just so many timewasters on here that for us, a verified member would be less likely not to be genuine.
That is not to say that we would not continue to meet and look for people, because they were not verified. For us I feel it would make finding genuine people easier. I did say for us....others can have what views they like on this, but anything we do on here, we do for ourselves first.
If we lived in a perfect world where everyone was honest and truthful, this issue would not arise but....the reason this keeps coming up is that people are sick and tired of timewasters, as far as I can see.
We have met both people from here without verification, and met others on another site, through verification. Both can work but, we feel it is easier to determine people who have been verified by others as being genuine.
I can understand peoples concerns on this issue, but for us we feel there is not a problem. Many people know us and know we are genuine, but we cannot say that about others. Genuine verification I feel would weed out a lot of timewasters.
Of course these are only my opinions, and of course others have to do what is right for THEM, as we try and do what is right for us.
Some great points made though on both sides, and obviously no easy answers.
The nore I read this thread the more saddened I am that something we were told was never going to be introduced now looks like it will be....
And how long would it have been before we knew if this thread hadn't been started ??
I just read the photo verification thingy on that other site. Seems like a whole lot of effort on the Admin side of things to check through everyone... I mean how are they gonna tell that my arse is my arse if I send them a face pic with a name label? lol
It's not something I'll be using. wink
I've been verbally verified there... mainly just saying that I'm a real person. I've now removed those verifications from my profile just to see if it makes any difference.
Either way, I don't give a hoot. I've met enough people socially for them to know I'm a real person and if others choose not to meet me cause I haven't had my photos verified or they can't see what others have written about me then I don't feel any great loss. The people who are worth anything will make the effort, those who aren't won't.
EDIT: And just for the record... I waste A LOT of time here, does that make me a time waster?! :giggle:
Quote by Dirtygirlie
... I mean how are they gonna tell that my arse is my arse if I send them a face pic with a name label? lol

Maybe your ass, can verify my ass?? :lol:
Quote by Sarah
... I mean how are they gonna tell that my arse is my arse if I send them a face pic with a name label? lol

Maybe your ass, can verify my ass?? :lol:
Would that make us bum chums?! :giggle:
Quote by Dirtygirlie
... I mean how are they gonna tell that my arse is my arse if I send them a face pic with a name label? lol

Maybe your ass, can verify my ass?? :lol:
Would that make us bum chums?! :giggle:
Yes and I think I could live with that!! :bounce:
Quote by Sarah
... I mean how are they gonna tell that my arse is my arse if I send them a face pic with a name label? lol

Maybe your ass, can verify my ass?? :lol:
Would that make us bum chums?! :giggle:
Yes and I think I could live with that!! :bounce:
What??? :shock:
You mean even without verification?! :giggle:
We could have our own exclusive section, for bum chums only!!
Quote by kentswingers777
Genuine verification I feel would weed out a lot of timewasters.

And this is the problem I have with 'verification'
How does it weed out timewasters? I'd love someone to explain this to me.
Quote by Sarah
We could have our own exclusive section, for bum chums only!!

I feel a new group coming on! :mrgreen:
Or is that a clique?! :giggle:
Quote by Dirtygirlie
We could have our own exclusive section, for bum chums only!!

I feel a new group coming on! :mrgreen:
Or is that a clique?! :giggle:
Cliques don't exist on this site :lol:
Groups do!!
Quote by staffcple

Genuine verification I feel would weed out a lot of timewasters.

And this is the problem I have with 'verification'
How does it weed out timewasters? I'd love someone to explain this to me.
That is something I am yet to grasp as well confused
Quote by kentswingers777
IF there was a verification system here, we WOULD opt in. We would look more at verfified members than un verified ones. The reason is that there are just so many timewasters on here that for us, a verified member would be less likely not to be genuine.
That is not to say that we would not continue to meet and look for people, because they were not verified. For us I feel it would make finding genuine people easier. I did say for us....others can have what views they like on this, but anything we do on here, we do for ourselves first.

I just wanted to take the 1st 2 paraghaphs of what you wrote kent... because it makes interesting reading..
I still have problems with this...... because even you have admited that you would be drawn more to those opting in....
like neil has said, does a tick make a person more genuine? all it means is that someone ticked them, you still don't know who did that..
or whether the person doing the ticking was genuine... unless you are now going down the who ticked who research list
you still don't know if they have had meets were they have wasted peoples time, or been an arse because you only see a tick....... unless we are bringing in a big cross as well if they have been naughty
How does it help newbies in the scene... if newbies meet each other and neither has the mythical "tick".. how does it help?
Going back to when you were new on the site, would it have made things harder because no-one knew you, and because you didn't have the tick you were treated differently and with suspicion... I know you say you won't, but i am betting that there are people out there who will.....
The day this comes in I am willing to bet you see this type of ad in the photos ads section appear
Quote by just an example
"Nice couple seeks nice couples/singles...blah, blah, blah.. must be varified/ Varified people only"

And then I bet we start seeing this type of thing in lets meet up....
Quote by just an example
"We are having a big social night in xxxxx ... blah, blah, blah attend you must be varified/ Varified people only"

and there you have your two tier system.... the ticks... and the rest...
Quote by fabio
"Nice couple seeks nice couples/singles...blah, blah, blah.. must be varified/ Varified people only"

Quote by just an example
"We are having a big social night in xxxxx ... blah, blah, blah attend you must be varified/ Varified people only"

and there you have your two tier system.... the ticks... and the rest...
A site we used over 5 years ago,just before we came here, had a verification system and the examples you give above are typical of the kind of thing that happened on that site...