Guess who met an Angel in the West End of London, drove all the way to the Epsom Downs, found a quiet spot where we undressed and I saw she had the body of an Angel as well and then when she softly caressed my old man I found out the true meaning of premature ejaculation and she impolitely told me to take her home.
Oh the joys of youth when you are 19 and don't have a clue.
Sorry Beverley, whever you are.
Now I am much older and there is no problem with that now, I just need a little patience to reach the same point.
I can't let this go without comment. Who can honestly say they haven't done something equally stupid in their youth? At least Arthur can blame it on his over-enthusiastic body.
My worst was the night before I left Australia. She was young, she was sexy, and I already knew that she was relatively inexperienced due to a lack of decent men. But I just couldn't believe that she was whispering "I want you". Oh no. "I'll miss you too", hug, and off I go. She's now a lesbian.
When they tell you that men are complete idiots, believe them. It's true.
Quite right Alison! No one ever said that ejaculation was the ultimate goal of sex (at least, not of sex for pleasure. If it's for procreation, it's somewhat necessary). Shame on you, Beverly! You missed out there. If you'd given him a couple of minutes, then you could have taken things nice and slow and relaxed, and spent an absolutely heavenly few hours.
Or is it necessary to learn these things the hard way?
It is not only young guys that suffer from premature ejaculation.
I have found that when you pick up a guy and his imagination takes over as to what he thinks he is going to get and he cums first as I have found out on many occasions.
I found in my teens both in London's West End and in the North East that by dressing as a lady of the night I could pick guys, but the girls of the night made sure that they got payment before the punters moved off the spot, otherwise some of their punters would refuse to pay once they cum.
I am ashamed to admit that as a late developer in actual intimate physical contact with young women my primary objective was ejaculation, closely followed by breasts, but not necessarily in that order.
Foreplay was the minimum possible to achieve the objective and as I remember I always promised to withdraw in time.
But by 20 I learnt that a 3 course meal was much more enjoyable than a Wimpy Burger. <s>
KatKit? Nah... doesn't have quite the same ring to it. I think it's better for everyone this way around.