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Idiots in chat room

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Sorry voddy - I changed to orange I consider myself slapped - didn't read the part about using vivid colours as I am new to this and don't know all the rules yet.
TomMan xxx
Quote by skegnessswingers
Oi!!! Some of us idiots from the chat room stick to the rules!!!

hear hear!
i'm a fully qualified idiot!
Is the pink OK - I like using the pink, for some reason I dont get asked if I am a fem when I use pink
(even if I do have 'Lady' in the nickname) confused
rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao Idiots in chat room ?? NEVER rotflmao rotflmao
The bloody place attracts them like flies to a fresh turd rotflmao rotflmao
Well as one of the chat room op's I was thinking that I should offer a new years resolution of peace and goodwill to all men.....
then I woke up and thought sod it, zero tolerance would be more effective.
Maybe we should have a re-think of the rules. (but as a large number dont even read them) why should we waste our time.?
Only my opinion
OOPS sorry Voddy hun but icepie wrote some crap AGAIN I was trying to responde to but guess what as I hit publish he took it off :wanker:
Actually I took it off!
He had some valid points ........... but it ain't worth causing an argument about biggrin
OK thank you MISSCHIEF hun kiss he likes his little arguments dont he lol
Happy yule to one and all.
I gave up with the chatroom due to those who don't know how to use it properly and now keep in touch with people via pms/email and the dog.
Just give me a kick button i seem to live in there these days, well nights mostly biggrin
I have trouble reading the dark colours so the vivid ones i dont have a chance
ermmm i wonder if thats because of my age
but i do agree there are some idiots who just love to go against the rules just for fun
and i also agree with midsman give us all kick buttons
Can i just ask how come there's the option to use the vivid colours if theyre not allowed?? i agree with the points that they are HIGHLY annoying, but having them there is just asking for people to thake the mick and use them.... why not just do away with them?? dunno
Quote by dazandlou
Can i just ask how come there's the option to use the vivid colours if theyre not allowed?? i agree with the points that they are HIGHLY annoying, but having them there is just asking for people to thake the mick and use them.... why not just do away with them?? dunno

Must agree with you there dazandlou confused I'm sure we could all read good old black wink
I don't use the chatroom very often and certainly don't use the colours but can I just point out that there are plenty of people who use mIRC who have scripts that automatically add the colours! I used to programme scripts and the popup options often used colours and the majority of users do not know how to use the scripts properly.
I can certainly agree that the majority of colours are difficult to see easily ... but it does depend on a number of variables. If the java programme has a white background then the colours are harder to see than say on a black background (I have a black background on my mIRC).
For users of mIRC the options are limitless (ascii art, popups commands, music additions) and people are not necessarily idiots for using their own choice of software properly or improperly as th case maybe.
I've seen the mIRC interface recommended so many times and people just don't know how to use it properly.
Also maybe I might be missing something but "where" in the rules does it say colours are not allowed?
C xx
Quote by BiFemHants
Can i just ask how come there's the option to use the vivid colours if theyre not allowed?? i agree with the points that they are HIGHLY annoying, but having them there is just asking for people to thake the mick and use them.... why not just do away with them?? dunno

Must agree with you there dazandlou confused I'm sure we could all read good old black wink
I guess that depends on whether you have a black background!
Quote by Calista
I don't use the chatroom very often and certainly don't use the colours but can I just point out that there are plenty of people who use mIRC who have scripts that automatically add the colours! I used to programme scripts and the popup options often used colours and the majority of users do not know how to use the scripts properly.

In particular the room ops who use off the shelf scripts, which is kind of ironic considering all the whingeing about alleged epileptics supposedly having a problem with "vivid" colours, because the fact is the colour most problematical for photosensitive epileptics is red, which is the colour invariably used by the op's scripts to bark orders at people. rolleyes
Just to throw in some trivia! Yellow is the last of the colours people who are losing their sight can distinguish (lime green and orange remain visable for quite some time too). That's why on public transport bell pushes and hand rails are usually these colours.
just read the rules and it doesn't mention anywhere that colours aren't allowed confused
Quote by PoloLady
Just to throw in some trivia! Yellow is the last of the colours people who are losing their sight can distinguish (lime green and orange remain visable for quite some time too). Thats with on public transport bell pushes and hand rails are usually these colours.

and the prize for the most random post of 2004 goes to.....................
The worrying thing is i found that quite interesting!! - and i am not joking redface
The person who had the problem in the chat room the other night was me
since my stroke and brain operation I have a problem with fluorescent coloured fonts
especially the lime green, pink and yellow
No theres no rules about colours
But I for one get shooting pains in my head if exposed to them for a period of time. That particlular night there were several very fluorescent yellow fonts . and i had to leave. The pain was unbearable, and i had a headache on and off for 2 days.
Its something i have to live with but would like it pointed out that bright especially fluorescent colours can also bring on migraines, and yes sometimes epileptic fits.
Is there any chance the fluorescent colours can be removed from the colour chart?
Sorry to be a pain in the bum
Vicky xxxx
Vicky, I have no idea if you use mIRC or aleady know this but if you use mIRC then you do have the option to select which colours are used on your screen. You can set the background to one colour and text lines to any other colour. Each section is set differently so you can set all the Op commands for example to appear as another colour than red. Popups can be set as another colour .. and so on of your choosing.
You can then eliminate colours that you find give you headaches etc.
I suffer from migraines ... I find that a black background and white text in a large font and size helps me no end on mIRC. It might be an idea to have a fiddle with your settings.
C xx
Thanks Calista ile try hun kiss
Quote by Vicky_uk
Thanks Calista ile try hun kiss

If you have any problems give one of us a shout ...
Hope it helps you smile