Not necessily - try for quality posts rather than quantity!
But, you never know - I could be wrong (often am)
Check you out Ian!!!! you're getting the attention already!!!
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
"...looking for men" ones.
i dont see many of them :cry:
what if.........
................i didnt replie to this post
You'd probably just end up with RSI
I can't see myself ever posting an ad or request to meet in here ~ I really can't be arsed joining the thousands of other semi-desperate, hopeful men who seem to occupy the board.
The way I see it, it's far better to get a bit of chemistry going with people and taking it from there ~ then they see the real person rather than yet another typical "Desperately looking for a fuck" type of post.
Saying that though ~ I'm always open to offers :P