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if i dont mention the Koran, can i still ask about adultry?

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all the light hearted threads from last night seem to have been removed. so if we are all grown ups and no one is seeking to be the Dom group....
if both partners consent, is it adultery anyway?
probably a touchy subject, but hey ho, delete at will.
If both partners consent, who gives a damn.
In the eyes of the Church and Law, I guess it IS. After all you promise to be faithful, in the service.
But like I say, if you're both happy with it, then... so what?? biggrin
if both partners agree then its i guess not adultry
why so intrested in this topic
you do like to cause a stir .. :twisted: lama
So, with the marriage vows, yeh I know these are a bit dated now, but some people still use em, so lets go with it ok
'Love, Honour, Obey'
What would the situation be if you told each other to have sex with the person you both fancy incredibly? :confused:
Would you 'obey' and commit 'adultery' or would you 'disobey' and not commit 'adultery' :undecided:
Depends on your perception of `faithful`, I am faithful heart, body and soul.
I`m faithfully doing exactly what our marraige wants me to do with my body. Mars too. Can`t get more faithful than that! biggrin