...what would it be?
Naturally I mean a sexual thing!
I would indulge in a FFM with the delicious AngelChat
Bonk the lovely, plump middle aged mums of two of my pupils. Of course, that would be very unprofessional of me!
It would have to be a night of lust with one of my best friend's younger brother!! Admittedly, he is now in his 30's but I think I fancied him when he was about 14!!! lol
I'd like to revisit someone I met up with a few months ago and do the things we never got around to doing :twisted:
Christen my new double ender with a lovely lady, :P
Puts his name down to be the M !! :P :P
As I'm only limited to one thing with one person I simply cannot choose :fuckinghell:
No offence Nola but why would anybody want to do one thing with one person??
Mind you - the things I could do with you I could narrow down to a couple (fer starters)
A zero gravity shag, there is only one person it could be, a real star.
Have group sex with the people I was with on Saturday night :twisted: