...tomorrow that you've never done but always wanted to do, what would it be?
I'd like to either visit India or have some photographs taken by a professional photographer.
Money, distance, time etc no object. What would you do tomorrow, if you were given the chance?
(It's Sunday evening and I'm feeling the need for dreams!)
Go Great White Shark watching in a cage.
Only a few things that have stopped me doing it:
1) Money
2) Distance
3) Saw a documentary of this activity and a fecking great shark dived into the cage with the tourists. When I was watching I shat myself.........never mind what went through their heads.
I would still like to do it.......but wanting to do it is different to getting into the water with them.
Hmm I dont really have one thing I want to do more than anything else but I guess I have always wanted to see a real life Tornado. So guess it would be Tornado chasing in Kansas then.
I'm very facinated with Africa and if I'm not painting portraits, I'm painting African people and scenes .... so I would love to go to Kenya, go on safari and paint animals and people while I'm there.
I guess as I have no maleria tablets, the doctors is closed so I cant get any, oh and the fact that I'm skint, I'd better go to work instead!!
I'd like to sing and sing well at La Scala to a full house
tell work to stuff it and jump on the first flight out of east midlands airport starting a world cruise/holiday/experience
I'd like to be the first man on the Red Planet. I got the urge after reading .
In reality, I just hope someone achieves it in my lifetime. :sad:
Go Fly fishing in Canada.. Always wanted to go there..
I always wanted to fly. Not on a plane - like a bird.
But since that isn't going to happen without chemical assistance, I'll go for visiting the places that had music written for them - and hear the music while I'm there. Borodin's On the Steppes of Central Asia will do for a start, but also New Zealand (LotR music).
I'd like to sing and sing well at La Scala to a full house
Go on the back of Rossi's Moto GP bike and do a couple of laps.
Be a passenger in a fighter plane...need to take a sick bag with me on both occasions I would think.
to run out of the back of a hercules plane and sky dive,only done a static jump so want the rush for longer, truly free.
I'd love to stand in the Forum in Rome and think of Cicero, Livy, Polybius, the Gracchi, Martial, Juvenal, Ovid, Horace, Catullus, and others, as having been there too. That'd be something. I would also remember the hundreds of thousands of slaves who'd also been there.
seems like we could organise a trip here
Cage diving with great whites.....normally done off south african coast is also mine.
other one..I would love...is to be in a production and dance on west end stage !!
Id love to buy my own tiny tropical island paradise, just somewhere I could call my own, lapped by clear blue tropical seas, lush with greenery and plantlife, soft white beach, just somewhere peaceful and still, to totally escape the rat race and real life from time to time.