IF you could go back to any era, is there anyone you would love to meet?
If it is music is there anyone you would love to have been around to see?
For me I love the Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole era of music.
For films I would have loved to have met the late great Bette Davis.
Many of us have missed a by gone era of film and music, which we only get to see on film now or DVD.
I know both film and music have their greats now, but sometimes greatness only seems to come after ones death.
So if you had that chance....who would it be?
Never wish to meet your idols/heroes they are only human and would only dissapoint you...better just to enjoy their work
if i could go back, i would love to meet my wife again
of course its LOVE, she's a diamond and i always tell her i love her.
I'd like to go back to the time of the major religious leaders and record what they actually said rather than what we are told they said. Could end a lot of divisiveness overnight.
mine isn't a person its a place
i have an obsession with NYC and i would love to go back there to experience it at various times through its very colourfull history
although i still have to go and experience it present day
one day *sigh*
Wound be very nice to go back to 2008 at the moment but failing that the 60s will do
i would like to go back to my teens and I would change the shy easily embarrassed teenager into a confident can do anything i set my mind to person....ohhh and i would be totally promiscous..lol
If I could go back in time, I'd love to hear a conversation between Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw.