What would you call it?
I say Veruca Salt but that has already gone (honestly)So on the same theme Augustus Gloop
Tell me yours.......
i would call my band "run for your life"
My band would be Jizz and the screaming cream
Valeramma is the exact look I'm wanting to acheive at the moment. :shock:
I can see somebody being 'Single guy featuring 10incher'
I think my band was called 'The ratty brothers' but, alas, I've been promoted to a Mole from my childhood nickname.
Think I would go for something topical like INSANIA - well couldnt help being hooked to Im a celebrity get me out of here. Such a goooooood catchy word thanks to the master of song Peter Andre lol
If girl band then BARBERELLA but bet already used.
Oh SiGo my new avatar is Dalis interpretation of Mae West as you were asking what the f''k it was lol
um................................ I like Rendevous. dont know why, the name just popped into my head!
'Belle De Fontenay', after my favourite potato ......(what, why not?)
'Batteries Included', because it always seems so mean to leave them out!
greasy fat bastards....!
I love rock music, and some of the best tunes ever written are by ugly blokes, sweaty, unkempt and yet still babe magnets!!!!!!!!