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I'm back, but should I be.....................?

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59 replies
8 watchers
:shock: wow,being a relative new members on here,i can imagine the chaos that would happen if there were no mods
you asked for sugestions to make things better/more interesting etc
how about where your icon is having a feedback score(like ebay) it would show you the history etc of that member and the result would be better behavior i think as no one gives a e-bay member the time of day if they have negative feedback,but possitive gives confidence
just a thought what do you think confused:
Quote by sxfuncouple
:shock: wow,being a relative new members on here,i can imagine the chaos that would happen if there were no mods
you asked for sugestions to make things better/more interesting etc
how about where your icon is having a feedback score(like ebay) it would show you the history etc of that member and the result would be better behavior i think as no one gives a e-bay member the time of day if they have negative feedback,but possitive gives confidence
just a thought what do you think confused:

Or some sort of Verification System!! :shock: :shock: :shock: wink
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Hi Mal hun, it's so good to see you back......
I have no problem whatsoever with what the Mods do, in fact I think they do a great job all round......I admire every single Mod for what they have to put up with.
I don't have a problem with locking posts, although I find it a bit annoying when I want to post in it....LoL...but that's about me, and not you...
I had a thought about banning......what if we had a time out they do for the chatroom, you know, ban them for a certain length of time and then they're allowed back in? Or would that be extra work for the's just a thought....
Personally I love this place and spend ages here every day....and it wouldn't be the same without the please don't desert us!!! kiss to you all....
Quote by Sgt Bilko
:shock: wow,being a relative new members on here,i can imagine the chaos that would happen if there were no mods
you asked for sugestions to make things better/more interesting etc
how about where your icon is having a feedback score(like ebay) it would show you the history etc of that member and the result would be better behavior i think as no one gives a e-bay member the time of day if they have negative feedback,but possitive gives confidence
just a thought what do you think confused:

Or some sort of Verification System!! :shock: :shock: :shock: wink
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :wink:
Quote by Sgt Bilko
:shock: wow,being a relative new members on here,i can imagine the chaos that would happen if there were no mods
you asked for sugestions to make things better/more interesting etc
how about where your icon is having a feedback score(like ebay) it would show you the history etc of that member and the result would be better behavior i think as no one gives a e-bay member the time of day if they have negative feedback,but possitive gives confidence
just a thought what do you think confused:

Or some sort of Verification System!! :shock: :shock: :shock: wink
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
haven't you got a holiday to pack for?
C x
Quote by Sgt Bilko
:shock: wow,being a relative new members on here,i can imagine the chaos that would happen if there were no mods
you asked for sugestions to make things better/more interesting etc
how about where your icon is having a feedback score(like ebay) it would show you the history etc of that member and the result would be better behavior i think as no one gives a e-bay member the time of day if they have negative feedback,but possitive gives confidence
just a thought what do you think confused:

Or some sort of Verification System!! :shock: :shock: :shock: wink
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
OI Sarge, you're supposed to be on holiday, now bugger off and stop shit stirring
smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
Mal, welcome back, nice to see you posting again. You (the mods) do a great job :thumbup:
biggrin would be great fun reading the feed back lol
Quote by sxfuncouple
biggrin would be great fun reading the feed back lol

No it wouldn't and you don't even want to get people started on the subject.
Quote by sxfuncouple
biggrin would be great fun reading the feed back lol

that it very well may be..... but you weren't here the last time the "V" word came up....
i only have two word for you "pandora's box".... turn around... leave it alone... trust me.... smile :)
sean xxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by Sgt Bilko
:shock: wow,being a relative new members on here,i can imagine the chaos that would happen if there were no mods
you asked for sugestions to make things better/more interesting etc
how about where your icon is having a feedback score(like ebay) it would show you the history etc of that member and the result would be better behavior i think as no one gives a e-bay member the time of day if they have negative feedback,but possitive gives confidence
just a thought what do you think confused:

Or some sort of Verification System!! :shock: :shock: :shock: wink
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:
Yes mal of course you should be back.....sure things go a bit cock eyed now and again, but we are all still here so what does that tell you about the site, the cafe and the way the place is says to me that there isn't a whole lot wrong with any of the aspects of the place.
If I've never said it.......come to think of it I havn't.....I appreciate the moderators efforts and from what I've just read so do a shite load of others, might not be worth much, but it's the best I can offer you and your mod colleagues....thanks :thumbup:
redface woops,guess i wernt around for that can of worms then :shock:
i shall leave that subject in the bin then........sorry surprisedops:
Quote by sxfuncouple
redface woops,guess i wernt around for that can of worms then :shock:
i shall leave that subject in the bin then........sorry surprisedops:

if you have about 3 hrs and want to read 50 pages of stuff that happened the last time this came up... i'll send you the link via pm..... smile :) :) you will hate me... trust me!
confused oh go on then pm away,i need a good read,and it will give me a good insight to the postings fabio
Quote by fabio grooverider
redface woops,guess i wernt around for that can of worms then :shock:
i shall leave that subject in the bin then........sorry surprisedops:

if you have about 3 hrs and want to read 50 pages of stuff that happened the last time this came up... i'll send you the link via pm..... smile :) :) you will hate me... trust me!
Maybe it's time to dust the thread off? wink
As far as my serious thoughts go I think the mods do a great job, however I would like to see the cafe separated - maybe if there were other boards with more restrictive posting policies as well then it would be easier for the mods to say whether something breached them and just delete or lock it. Just leave one board as a free for all, then there would be somewhere for more reflective and relevant discusion.
Roger the Dragon cool
Nice to see you back posting mal babes
a lot of what i wanted to say has already been covered by others so wont bore you with repeating it
keep up the good work you are all appreciated
and it is the best swinging site going so hats of to you all for the great job your doing for us all
Love n Hugs
Vicky xxxxxxxxxx
redface surprisedops: :oops:
Oh the shame!
Sorry Jags. When I posted the first one, it didn't come up when I ckicked on "view your message" so i thought my decrepit PC had buggered up again!
Apologies! grovel, grovel ...
So good you had to say it twice??
The crap that Mal talked about is only the very tip of the iceberg. Ask any of the newer Mods, wonder why Kat took so long to agree to be re-Modded, ask yourself why Sappho stopped being a Mod after a very short time???
Yes, we volunteer (well some of us were pressed ganged by the promise of large amounts of wine but let's not go into that one!) but that doesn't mean to say that we should take the crap. The Beckhams get paid very very richly for taking crap. If Mark paid us £1M a year then you'd not hear a peep from any of us.
Now, I 've had a really really great night and intend to stay extremely happy, despite pressure to the contrary.
see now you know how it feels to be a God lol, and it makes me think that in your 'real life' you must be a high court judge.
Anyway, I think you mods do a great job, and more often than not i get a giggle out of all of your' posts.
oh welcome back by the way
oh I forgot to mention when i posted before
thanks to Mark for bringing us this brilliant site
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: passionkiss sillyassionkiss:
Welcome back Mal.
And - Yes; you should be.
I hope your recent dilemma hasn't left you with too many demons.
As to changes/suggestions . . . . . .
I have sometimes thought it would be better for mods to "sign" a locked thread. That way the person who was locked would, if necessary, know who to ask the whys and wherefores. Not a big issue tho.
Sig block changed to reflect the "spirit" of the AUP as well as the "rule" of AUP wink
I modded a site a couple of years ago, myself and the other mods got a lot of shit from the members so to prove to them what life with out us would be like we stopped modding for a week. it changed the minds of a lot of them and things were much better after that.
Quote by davej
Yes mal of course you should be back.....sure things go a bit cock eyed now and again, but we are all still here so what does that tell you about the site, the cafe and the way the place is says to me that there isn't a whole lot wrong with any of the aspects of the place.
If I've never said it.......come to think of it I havn't.....I appreciate the moderators efforts and from what I've just read so do a shite load of others, might not be worth much, but it's the best I can offer you and your mod colleagues....thanks :thumbup:

Understated, but what I was trying to say but not very effectively!
mate , your between a rock and a hard place being a mod sometimes, but you all do a fuckin hard , difficult and sometimes unappreciated task very well . Your an asset to the site mate ,, respect . xxx
Quote by hornyred and dino
mate , your between a rock and a hard place being a mod sometimes, but you all do a fuckin hard , difficult and sometimes unappreciated task very well .

This typifies what being a Mod/OP means.... You can please some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time...
All I will say is that until you have walked in our shoes then you cannot imagine what it is like... But there will always be people that think they know better than you, or those that just want to argue about decisions that are nothing to do with them....
The only thing that I can think of that would possibly help would be to have the AUP or a smaller version of it included in Mark's welcoming PM when you register. This would then give the newbie a guide to posting etc... As to whether they actually read it is another matter though rolleyes
I personally think the Mods do a fantastic job and no changes need to take place at all....
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Or some sort of Verification System!! :shock: :shock: :shock: wink

You can start the thread this time Sarge rolleyes .
I don't feel I can do your post the justice it deserves in a reply so best I don't try. dunno
Really glad to see you back though kiss
Think you guys do a great job
Kitty xx
hey ya know what , we dont take a blind bit of notice of the Mods unless they do something that stands out like a sore thumb . Yeah they make the occasional mistake , and they sometimes do things that are not quite right or fair because theyre in a bad mood , but truth is the slogging dull repetitive work they do day in day out means they deserve a little slacknow and then . As far as Mal goes , he is one of the less vocal Mods , and we enjoy his posts in his 'human being' capacity . He a giggle and seems a nice person , and much like many of the Moderators we dont often even think of him as anything else , the words in gray under the avatar dont really mean a thing about the person typing , except perhaps they are less lazy than me LOL.
G n S xxx
Hello again mal.
That was a very impassioned post and certainly, emotion is showing through in a way that I recognise. When you carry out a voluntary job it is very easy to become disenfrachised because of certain peoples' attitudes. Whilst the majority appreciate the role of the volunteer, in the every day humdrum of life, it is easy to take people's effort for granted.
But look at your own post. You stood back, you listened to your own concerns and understood your own feelings. you realised that you were (and still are) providing a valuable service to many, many people. You had every right to feel the way you did and I will tell you why. For every thousand thank you's, for every thousand compliments, it can take as little as one dig, one person who is disgruntled and it will make you think " I don't need this, why the hell am I doing this?
Whilst I will applaud your decision to carry on, what you don't need is sycophantism. But please remember, without people like you ,this site would be a failure. I came back because I feel happy here. People like you make me feel welcome.
Don't ever give up doing what you do,
Good to see you back mate.