Quote by Dino.
Postie my good man, i do hope your not trying to welch out of this party now youve sobered up , weve sorted babysitters , offered to give people a lift to yours and ive bought me booze.
Still awaiting pm details of your addy.
Dino n Hornyred
Buggers- the lot of you! And that Sarge is soooooooo going to be GOT!
Thanks for ALL the pm's... i feel like pm victim of the week... and seeing as so many are coming to this party.... i've had to change the venue... to Sarge's barrack hut...
Hope he doesn't mind.... he'll give you the address if you pm HIM nicely.... i remember him saying he would especially like anybody new to SH to ask for an invite, as he feels all inclusive and wants to share the love!