If thats not gloating, its a damned good impersination!!
Last week it was someone deemed too young to swing (http://www.swingingheaven.co.uk/swingers-forum/viewtopic/43596.html). This week, it’s someone’s personal circumstances that are the problem.
I always thought that some core elements of swinging were the ideas of being open- minded and also non-judgmental. These are always more regularly stated in swinging definitions than personal circumstances.
So many times on these forums this just doesn’t happen. It’s one of the most judgmental forums I know, and some of the people are just not very nice when it comes to treatment of (in particular) new members.
If you don’t like what somebody is doing or is searching for then just leave alone and let them get on with it, with no judging. It may not agree with your beliefs but their life is very much their own business.
In this particular instance, she’s gone far further than she ever has to in openly stating her circumstances (something she’ll no doubt think twice about in future) and then even providing a link (I had no problems viewing if you play about with it just a little) to what are clearly her personal pictures (i.e. not swinging related) just to try and prove her story which was being questioned. There’s absolutely never any justification for anybody, as a new member, to ever feel pressured into giving out personal things just to be welcomed onto the site and the fact it has happened pains me.
Every time I read through some of the adverts (or forum adverts) on the site, I come across something I don’t necessarily really agree with but I just move on and live and let live.
A big problem of mine is the guys who post about wanting to get their wives into swinging and especially the ones who literally want to arrange a meet with somebody for them to chat up the wife who will then suddenly get the taste for swinging and everything will be great etc. It’s totally wrong and should never happen but I’ve never gone to the trouble of writing to them to say what I think. Each of their lives probably has a different story to tell and who am I to pass comment on it? It would only be my opinion after all!
Brad I think people are always going to express their opinions, particularly when a post leaves itself open to comment. It's a forum, people give opinions. We may not agree with everyone but we are all entitled to our own opinions.
I agree, she was very honest in her post, in that she's here with the intention of cheating. That doesn't mean everyone has to like it though. She has also had some positive feedback from those people for whom cheating/not cheating is not an issue.
We wouldn't consider playing with someone who cheats because of the potential comebacks (for us and the person being cheated on), but there are many people on here who will. I don't think that's being judgemental, it's expressing a preference for whom we'd play with.
Wow! A newbie and 105 replies! In the short time that I have been on this site I have noticed that threads covering "cheating" always, without exception and reliably, involve a heated discussion.
I am not convinced that 'another sharron' in not a wind-up from (probably) an existing member or a deliberate reaction-tester but, if not, then she has been open and honest - maybe too open and honest in an open forum - to which a potential swinger can use to make a decision.
Without the full facts, the decision to tell a partner may have many other ramifications that we can ony guess at. A mis-match in sexual appetite is a bad thing; so is, say, breaking up an otherwise stable partnership where, maybe, kids are involved.
So, welcome anothersharron but I suggest that you (if real - if not let us all know!) you have a look through some recent threads, learn something about regular posters from their comments and pm those for whom you feel a connection - and show your personal situation then, in confidence.
Also note that SH is an open community that even non-members can read; for the unwary this could carry significant risks. For the sensible and cautious, significant pleasure!
Well good to see old fashioned Brit prudery still exists even on a sex site, come on fellow countrymen and women loosen up, give Sharron a break here, please. And why are genitals banned from Avatars? Is Mary Whitehouse and her cohorts members or what??? Sharron do your thing, hon and don't let the bullies win.
god this is gonna run and run
wheres our mate FABIO threakiller ?
yes ..avatars need to be decent ( ish ) its part of the seen face of the site and therefore vix is spot on
:giveup: :giveup: :giveup: :giveup: :giveup: :giveup: :giveup: :giveup: :giveup: :giveup:
Way to many posts for me to read em all , so havent really got an opinion on it , just felt i couldnt let such a bitter controversial thread go by without being a part of it all .