I love the new instant message facility, where you can message people on your friends list privately (I hope), but when the chatroom pane is open the message window is hidden and can only be seen when you are on the main page of the site. Is there nothing that can be done to allow it to 'pop up' over the chat window too as I keep missing messages and I know others have said they do too.
Just a thought.
Sorry.... the white doesn't show up very well on the pale background. It's the little arrow in the top right corner of the chat box.
I found it now, thanks xxxxx but it still hides lol
OK... now minimise all your windows except for the chatroom and the messenger. Then right click on the Windows task bar and you should have the option to "show windows side by side" (in Vista) or "tile windows vertically" (in XP if memory serves me). That should let you see both at the same time (hopefully).
i said at time of testing..maybe a little ping noise when messaged...might be useful...just like it does on facebook !!!
I've just seen that I can talk to myself in it.
It's a living nightmare!