Intelligent design, has no scientific basis in fact, and therefore should be treated with the disdain that it deserves.
Load of bollocks !!!, and thats being polite ! :shock:
Quote by Mister_Discreet
A quick bit of background information for those not aware of the 'intelligent design' debacle:
In America, teaching of religion in schools is forbidden.
Quote by marmalaid
How can it be fair to dismiss what so many people believe as fact in preferance for what many other people see as fact. Darwinsim, atheism and agnosticism are as much a belief as creationism, what's your belief and label from the above? Why should your belief be taught and not mine? If that's not fundamentalism what is?
Quote by Calista
In America, teaching of religion in schools is forbidden.
Quote by Mister_Discreet
How can it be fair to dismiss what so many people believe as fact in preferance for what many other people see as fact. Darwinsim, atheism and agnosticism are as much a belief as creationism, what's your belief and label from the above? Why should your belief be taught and not mine? If that's not fundamentalism what is?
Quote by Tra-n-Lee
Well, how about we have it on a level playing field and we Mod at the level of the posters post - is that fair? That way I can see a post, play dumb, ban them and tell them it was for anything I care to make up. Sounds about right? And no, that isn't how we do it now, but I might change my mind very shortly.
Quote by Mal
Well, how about we have it on a level playing field and we Mod at the level of the posters post - is that fair? That way I can see a post, play dumb, ban them and tell them it was for anything I care to make up. Sounds about right? And no, that isn't how we do it now, but I might change my mind very shortly.
Quote by The Muttleys
Intelligent design, has no scientific basis in fact, and therefore should be treated with the disdain that it deserves.
Load of bollocks !!!, and thats being polite ! :shock:
Quote by Mister_Discreet
How can it be fair to dismiss what so many people believe as fact in preferance for what many other people see as fact. Darwinsim, atheism and agnosticism are as much a belief as creationism, what's your belief and label from the above? Why should your belief be taught and not mine? If that's not fundamentalism what is?
Quote by Mister_Discreet
In America, teaching of religion in schools is forbidden.
Quote by Tra-n-Lee
Now, quite clearly, its not a legitimate "theory" - even the most religious of people must know that. It isn't based on any factual evidence, and thats what a mortal being must have to create a theory or an evaluation. If their is no factual evidence, then obviously they're can be no legitimate reason for spreading an "idea" so wide across a generation such as the American youth. The FSM actually makes more sense than ID because it at least makes some attempt at generating evidence, whilst ID is based on blind faith.
If blind faith is your thing, then that fine - but you should be taught that blind faith is correct and the only way. Studying Darwinism is the study of one mans ideas that are backed up by evidence and collaborative agreement by many others. ID lacks evidence.
Quote by Him'nHer
From what I have read in here it is about what the U.S. has decided over many years is the correct (possibly read PC here) way to deal with a multi-ethnic society.
The U.S. decided that to teach beliefs was wrong, and now the religious (probably read christian) right are now hitting back with ID.
Quote by Tra-n-Lee
Right i'm going to try again because some people actually understood what i meant but some over-zealous Mod locked it before the discussion began!
Basically, in America particularly but worldwide also, the religious Right have coined a phrase called "Intelligent Design", which advocates the "Garden of Eden" bible story of creating and evolution and dismisses the Big Bang/Darwin more scientific explanations of human progression.
Whilst i couldn't be bother to have an opinion either way because basically no one will ever know the answer, my point was thank God (no pun intended) i'm not American - our friends from across the Atlantic tend to get their little selves very worked up over things like this - bless lol.
My question is - to all us Brits; what do we make of this "phenomenon" of Intelligent Design.
And for those who don't know what i'm going on about and think its obscure, its been on the news for the past 6 months!!!![]()
Lee x
Quote by Calista
Be interesting to know how many of the parents who object actually attend church and truely practice their faith, as opposed to being those who turn up, repent and carry on the same next week!
C x
Quote by Him'nHer
OK so what is this thread all about? It is obviously getting itself into dangerous territory (mod/member disagreements aside) It ultimately is trying to talk about religion (and what did my dear old long departed da' say....... never argue politics or religion son)
Quote by Him'nHer
I personally believe that our children at an early age should be taught the fundamentals of scientific belief (including Darwin theory) as well as the fundamentals of all the "common" religions (which would include christianity, Islam, Hindu, Budism to name but a few) This happened when I was at school and I finished school in 1970 FFS..........
Quote by Calista
Be interesting to know how many of the parents who object actually attend church and truely practice their faith, as opposed to being those who turn up, repent and carry on the same next week!
C x
Quote by marmalaid
OK so what is this thread all about? It is obviously getting itself into dangerous territory (mod/member disagreements aside) It ultimately is trying to talk about religion (and what did my dear old long departed da' say....... never argue politics or religion son)
Quote by Him'nHer
I personally believe that our children at an early age should be taught the fundamentals of scientific belief (including Darwin theory) as well as the fundamentals of all the "common" religions (which would include christianity, Islam, Hindu, Budism to name but a few) This happened when I was at school and I finished school in 1970 FFS..........
Quote by marmalaid
Be interesting to know how many of the parents who object actually attend church and truely practice their faith, as opposed to being those who turn up, repent and carry on the same next week!
C x
Quote by Him'nHer
Marmalaid If you read what I posted in response to Calista, you will see that I DO NOT believe that MY personal beliefs are any more or less important than anyone elses. I have stated that I do not believe in religion. I DO NOT see anywhere that I have written that I believe in Darwins theories. All I have stated is that I am not religious.
Quote by Him'nHer
Putting it simply what I believe in is personal to me......... I respect that others have different beliefs, and that is personal to them. I DO STRONGLY BELIEVE IN MODERATION. It's ok to me that children (mine included) get taught fundamental Darwin theory as well as fundamental grounding in all the worlds major religions............ or do you think that this is wrong?
Quote by Calista
Be interesting to know how many of the parents who object actually attend church and truely practice their faith, as opposed to being those who turn up, repent and carry on the same next week!
C x
Quote by marmalaid
Be interesting to know how many of the parents who object actually attend church and truely practice their faith, as opposed to being those who turn up, repent and carry on the same next week!
C x