Interactive Porn.. Discuss.
yeah I too came unstuck the moment I typed the word "discuss".
Damn I thought I was gonna get some interactive porn when I came in here as well!!
Isnt interactive porn just sex??
So, what sort of interactive porn do you mean?
Well the one I refer to was an interactive DVD with some porn star in it.
Maybe it is something wonderful Id much rather be shagging than watching!!
ALthough videoing yourself shagging then watchign that whiel shaggings good fun!
Odd I would rather be watching in some ways :twisted: then again if I was shagging anyone but Mrs TnH I know what would happen when she found out: :kick:
oooooooooohhhh secret desires!! do tell ;)
cool yeah it sounds like a decent program, but programs are easy to learn, and arent that interesting, what you do withthem is more interesting, and that what you say really intrigues me, I had similar ideas, I even thought of something similar, with a twist where each month members could get entered to have a prize of starring in a porn flick themselves, cant get much more interactive than that huh?
brings a whole new meaning to "you have been eaten by a grue"!
hehe whyever not if youre gonna make interactive porn the more filth included the better :twisted: