What is the most interesting / unusual compliment that you've received about one or more of your physical features from someone other than your partner (and I'm thinking genuine compliments here, rather than the crap people say to get into your pants!!)
At the time I didn't know she was going to become a long term girlfriend. We'd been at it all night after I picked her up at the opera house....she looked at me and said "you have such beautiful big ears"! :confused2: Well she is German, maybe that has something to do with it...no accounting for taste.
always gets me when you meet someone at a social who you have been chatting to for a while in chat/ seen on cam etc etc etc n they say.....
ooooo your better looking in real life than you are on cam ....
hmmmm can never make my mind up if thas a compliment or not lol
i hope we look as good as you two when we eventually reach your ages
sent in a email after a Friday night on cam :giveup:
Only the other day at a club.
"Your partner looks fantastic and I can see what YOU are trying to do but next time try a cravat."
I suppose it would be rude not to share the compliment that led me to start the thread... I was told that my boobs are "superb", but not my best feature and was then complimented on the "nape of my neck just under my earlobe", the base of my spine and the creases behind my knees... All said in an incredibly sweet way, and probably the most unusual compliment I've ever received! :-)