Seems like a normal bunch of kids. I would have done things like that in my day.
Good laugh.
yeah i read that other chap who was standing up for the kid. im begining to feel that american culture is really vile. its turning its youth into spiteful little beasts.
not being big-headed but im proud of my "masturbating over faces of death" line. lol
i thourght the vid was ok....what a bunch of cun*s, esp liked the comment,
dude your gay.........
and another...... " i heard british humor was lame".? this from a country that on the whole dont know what sarcasim is.
had to join you easy easy, load of wankers
hehe. subtle mr quimninja.
yeah i wish i had this kind of technology when i was a kid to, i bet the poor kid has really had the fun taken out of it now. damn shame.
i really do wonder sometimes.....
ive got to agree... theres no need to abuse the kid like that.....
id pin the offenders down whilst the kid takes a swipe at them with his club............
You're not bullying the Yanks in this thread are you ?
LOL - j/k
Look at their role-models, Dubya - he bullies whole continents, and knob-head Cheney shoots his own friends - whaddya expect from them ?
I have to say that I find a lot of forums (or is that fora?) seem to be breeding grounds for abusive behaviour. Sometimes you get people (of whatever persuasion, nationality etc) who seem to think it's OK to bully or disrespect others. I wonder if they'd ever do that to their faces?
their narrow little minds couldnt handle it mate
must admit i would have had run ins with gangs from neighbouring areas as a kid.
but at present there seems to be a big them and us attitude on the internet between us and americans. some sites positively encourage it.....
i guess thats progress, can he honestly say the boot has never been on the other foot ???
I recall someone once saying that the Americans and the British are the same but seperated by a language. I think the reverse is truer. Although they speak English their behaviour is foriegn. Look at the way they treat prisoners of war!