I haven't got any myself but I love playing with them.
I once met a girl that had seven in though and that was a bit much, she had three rings down each side and one in the hood. Definite overkill.
Can i see?? Can i?? Can i??? :bounce:
We think it can go both ways....
F has had navel pierced for ages; and last year we talked about nipples.... F got both M just one, and very pleased and enjoy playing with them!
Then F had clit hoot (VCH) which is liked but not as rewarding as expected.
Then M had PA which is liked - but know about clanking teeth!
For us, any more would be OTT - and we don't always want to put piecings on an ad as it can come across as hardcore which, we are not (innocent as hell but learning!).
Too many, and no no.... that said - we both hate tatoos on men, and like small ones on women - and TBH we consider them "worse" than piercings. IT takes all sorts doesn't it??
You can get and swap nice jewellery, and we are getting a new delivery tomorrow of some nice stuff from (NO CONNECTION) - who are pretty good and have a great choice - loads of colours and styles. Though we hate dangly nipple stuff as well - so we have some we're about to bin!
HTH though we've forgotten the question!
Might as well paddle up stream on this one and say, we do not find them in the least bit attractive. So for us its a big Yuk!
As 'Onlyus' says.......It takes all sorts.