things that attract me to people in the chat room
mmm wish i had the intelegnce and education to do this subject justice but i will try lol
A nice chat name helps i hate the crude or boastfull names (big turn off)
Then its a nice kind polite personality (not agressive or forward)
For me the person or persons if its a couple have to be able to hold a conversation and have a good sense of humor
I watch how they treat peole that aproach them that they do not fancy
If they are polite and tactfull when they say no i feel that speaks volumes about them and are my kind of people
so for me Its
chat room name
kind polite respectfull personality
sense or humor
good conversation
then if there is a mutual attraction it can progress on to meeting up
Having taken some time this morning.... to look introspectively at what would attract me to would be a mixture of......
1). sense of humour.....
2). level of intelligence.....
3). ability to converse on all subjects and to spar with words.....
4). personality.... a mischievious teasing personality does it for me.....
5). a non-pushy person.....
equi-princess xxx
wow debs
im drowing in a sea of drool & my eyes think it's their birthday, i was just about to go & do some work but how the hell can i concentrate with you're new avatar stuck in my mind.
*must think clean thoughts, must think clean thoughts...*