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Irritating songs that grow on you!

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0 likes its not just me then !!!!
I'm still singing that damn song ! lol
same here wasn't to sure of it at first but now I love it. Was out sat nite and danced to it twice like a total fool lol :lol: :lol:
The most irritating one to me at the moment is London Bridge by Fergie from Black Eye Peas. The only thing is im always singing it so have grown to like it. :confused2:
Also the Ketchup Song. It used to drive me crazy.
Quote by varca
Is it just me or when you hear a song for the first time, you initially hate it and then it grows on you the more you hear it until you can't get the damn thing out of your head??
Mine at the moment is the Scissor Sisters - ./ I don't feel like dancing ./ confused

Blimey!!! :shock: Saw the title of the thread and that's the song that imediately sprang to mind too!! :shock:
Mind you - I absolutely love it
Although from what people say - that isn't exactly the best indication the songs good :undecided: Neighbours must wonder what the hells going on in our house when we do the chores. Me and my kids all have very different taste in music :? So we have to have a turn each to choose a song! Usually a musical pattern like this
Me: Scissor Sisters, I don't feel like dancing
Youngest: Toy Dolls, Nelly the Elephant
Eldest: Some hate/death/pain/grrrr eff you teenager shite :shock:
Me: Beyonce, Check up on it
Youngest: Anything by The Bratz
Eldest: Some more hate/death/pain/grrrr eff you teenager shite :shock:
Me (fed up with hate/death/pain/grrrr eff you teenager shite): Will Young, Evergreen :inlove:
Eldest (to counteract me nice song): Even worse hate/death/pain/grrrr eff you teenager shite mad
And so the cycle continues, my songs get nicer and her's get horribler........... and youngest stays right in the middle with her "Witch Doctor, Time Warp, Crazy Frog" stuff :?
Hence our house is normally a right tip - cos none of us can bear the music to tidy to :?
Quote by varca
Is it just me or when you hear a song for the first time, you initially hate it and then it grows on you the more you hear it until you can't get the damn thing out of your head??

I know this may seem a bit odd to some, but when I first heard Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen) I hated it.
Over the months after it was released it grew on me until I played it to death.
Kind of wish I hadn't opened this thread now....
Got Scissor Sisters, Fergie and various other obscure tunes rattling around in my head now.........
"How come everytime you come around my London London Bridge........"
Quote by SexySara
Kind of wish I hadn't opened this thread now....
Got Scissor Sisters, Fergie and various other obscure tunes rattling around in my head now.........
"How come everytime you come around my London London Bridge........"

Thats it you have started me off again. :karaoke:
The Scissor Sisters are ace!!!!!
Quote by Rising
The Scissor Sisters are ace!!!!!

i agree........
for ten bonus points........ does anyone know how they came up with their name........
Something to do with another name for a Lesbian
anyway its rude to hijack... so ill let you know.....
its named after the thingy mejiggy that women having gay sex do when they interlock legs and rub against each-other............ hmmmmmmmmmmmm..... nice
Quote by varca
Just thought of another one - The Ebay song arrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhh!!
Re what Missy said rotflmao I manage to do that to my neighbour all by myself lol I must drive him mad. A typical playlist from me:-
Andrea Bocelli
Puddle of Mudd
Kerrang The Album
Eclectic me? Never!! lol

Nice choices!!! Well, these ones anyway!
Btw, the Ebay song???? Think I'm gonna rue the day I ask this, but how does it go?

Btw, the Ebay song???? Think I'm gonna rue the day I ask this, but how does it go?
No idea, but if its any good, anyone know where I can Buy it Now? lol
errrrrrrr.... forget the chattin up............ :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by SexySara
Btw, the Ebay song???? Think I'm gonna rue the day I ask this, but how does it go?

Or indeed, listen to it at
Sassy does her best impression of Joe Pasquale
:karaoke: ' I know a song that'll get on your nerves, get on your nerves, get on your nerves' :karaoke:
NOW that's planted firmly in your head, I'm off to work :smug:
Quote by Sassy-Seren
Sassy does her best impression of Joe Pasquale
:karaoke: ' I know a song that'll get on your nerves, get on your nerves, get on your nerves' :karaoke:
NOW that's planted firmly in your head, I'm off to work :smug:

smackbottom mad
Quote by cu3b4ll
Sassy does her best impression of Joe Pasquale
:karaoke: ' I know a song that'll get on your nerves, get on your nerves, get on your nerves' :karaoke:
NOW that's planted firmly in your head, I'm off to work :smug:

smackbottom mad
My work here is done :smoke:
its scissor sisters for me too i'm afraid.................
Right, smackbottom for Sassy Seren (oooh, never thought I'd do that!), Varca and Manolishi.....
You are very naughty people, now I've got bloody tunes rattling round left, right and bloody centre!
(Although the Ebay song was quite funny.......)
The kooks...she moves in her own way (or something like that). Wispy annoying non-entity guitar pop music that I usually hate but I cant stop singing that damn song!
"Woa-oow dubie doobie doobie doo-bie, she moves in her own way" I dont even know the words but the tune has been running round my head for aaaages.
I liked the ebay song......... however I hated the Tony Christie song "show me the way to amirilo"
Quote by tina1
however I hated the Tony Christie song "show me the way to amirilo"

Oh noway!!! :bounce: You gotta try hoovering to that song - can get a right march on doing it :lol2:
Although tend to just do the middle of the floor cos can't march round the edges very well :undecided: ........ then do the edges when me daughter puts on one of her crap hate/death/pain/grrr eff you songs on confused
Quote by Missy
however I hated the Tony Christie song "show me the way to amirilo"

Oh noway!!! :bounce: You gotta try hoovering to that song - can get a right march on doing it :lol2:
Although tend to just do the middle of the floor cos can't march round the edges very well :undecided: ........ then do the edges when me daughter puts on one of her crap hate/death/pain/grrr eff you songs on confused
I hate to think what you listen to when you polish.
Another one bites the dust :? dunno
(sorry it was the best I could come up with at this time of night) biggrin
Quote by blackburnmale22
The kooks...she moves in her own way (or something like that). Wispy annoying non-entity guitar pop music that I usually hate but I cant stop singing that damn song!
"Woa-oow dubie doobie doobie doo-bie, she moves in her own way" I dont even know the words but the tune has been running round my head for aaaages.

Ok for you. I wasted my money on the whole fucking album :doh:
Quote by Sassy-Seren
The kooks...she moves in her own way (or something like that). Wispy annoying non-entity guitar pop music that I usually hate but I cant stop singing that damn song!
"Woa-oow dubie doobie doobie doo-bie, she moves in her own way" I dont even know the words but the tune has been running round my head for aaaages.

Ok for you. I wasted my money on the whole fucking album :doh:
lol :lol: