Yes, in certain circumstances cuddles certainly could be equal to sex or better. Having been recently widowed having someone to cuddle would be wonderful. The sex might come after.
I love cuddles and I love sex :confused2: maybe i need to try both to get a better idea, and then meeko offers me a struggle snuggle too :giggle: i think he is just pushing his luck :lol2:
Cuddles can be better than sex
Normally stated by a male trying to get into a girls knickers and using the "I am a caring sensative but essentially lonely person" approach.
When I first became single after 26 years of marriage I did miss cuddles, 44 years old and believing that my life was over, then I started swinging, I loved the sex, experienced sex in ways I had only dreamt of and the cuddles, I bought a huge teddy bear to sleep with and realised life was going to go on regardless
Having been single for just over 3 yrs now cuddles are sorely missed (even more so than sex) ..
So yes.....A cuddle can be better than sex...
if its ya nan the cuddle is definitely better :eeek:
as for the wife then sex it is :bounce:
A cuddle is always better than sex as it can happen anywhere, with just about anyone and I find is always on hand when needed. Whereas sex can't be x x
There are lots of things better than sex, but it's about feelings and emotions and that's summat else entirely.
Sex with feelings and emotions is, imo, always the best even when the sex isn't that great. The emotional will always over-ride the physical.
A cuddle with the right person can make you feel like nothing else matters. Maybe the sheer abandonment of good sex can feel the same, but for me ... I dunno ... I can get good sex like that anywhere but a good, proper cuddle with the right person just as you need it is something special.
Yeah, I'm goin' with the cuddle most times.
Apple's and pears in my eyes. They're two different reactions that suit two different emotional states, albeit not necessarily exclusively.