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Is a sense of humour just as important?

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I would like to think i have a great sense of humour......always up for a laugh,not taking things too seriously only when it matters........i also like a lady with a sense of humour,so putting looks to one side what do you also look for in a person?
Looks is very important even if its only for a quick shag!!
Personaly i dont want to spend my time with someone who takes everything too seriously
someone i can relax with
have a good conversation with
someone who makes me laugh
someone who can switch me on both mentally and physically but also makes me feel secure and has a good sense of humour.
I do find physical attraction important too however shallow that might seem.
For me.. it's gotta be someone who can make me laugh and feel relaxed in their company.
Looks do still play a part cos If there's no physical/visual attraction... :cry:
sense of humour is very very important - i don't like serious sex! apart from that - gotta be able to have an intelligent conversation -ish,
be a laugh, genuine person, not arrogant, not selfish
hmm now wondering that its no surprise i'm single!!!
obviously looks are important as well i mean you have to be attracted to them....but what if they had no personality.....what would you do then?
Quote by sexyjess23
sense of humour is very very important - i don't like serious sex! apart from that - gotta be able to have an intelligent conversation -ish,
be a laugh, genuine person, not arrogant, not selfish
hmm now wondering that its no surprise i'm single!!!

Yep...your just too damned fussy wink
only kidding.....see my sense of humour may get me in trouble as well.
Being able to put the other person at ease is very important, and a sense of humour is usually part of this too, as long as the person understands when to be humorous and when to be a bit serious, and not be insensitively "wacky". Also important is attempting to understand the other person, not just being taken up with oneself and ones own needs.
Quote by da69ve
obviously looks are important as well i mean you have to be attracted to them....but what if they had no personality.....what would you do then?

good looking
no personality
would i shag them
hell yeah .............. wink
Quote by da69ve
obviously looks are important as well i mean you have to be attracted to them....but what if they had no personality.....what would you do then?

if they had no personality then I'm sorry but it wouldn't work
Quote by da69ve
obviously looks are important as well i mean you have to be attracted to them....but what if they had no personality.....what would you do then?

Sorry, would turn me off and not dunno
They have to make me laugh and be able to hold a conversation biggrin
No personality = no shag rolleyes
Dawn :silly:
Good looks, no personality? Not for me!
good looks deffinatly roy croppers on special brew need not apply but if someone really makes me laugh theve just moved up the shag ladder wink this image of Roy Cropper drinking special brew! rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
personality personality personality, looks come way down the list with me
being able to laugfh and talk with a person is vital, need not have anything in common other than a need for sex, but the personality must match
They have to be able to hold a conversation and make me laugh (not necessarily at the same time) or I would move along confused
In no particular order:
- sex appeal
- charisma
- confidence
- wit
- intelligence
... and most of all ... not being aware that they are any of the above. There's nothing sexier than someone that isn't aware of just how sexy they are
Quote by da69ve
obviously looks are important as well i mean you have to be attracted to them....but what if they had no personality.....what would you do then?

If he was good-looking with no personality and I was horny as hell (like right now) I'd fuck him then delete his details.
But if I was looking for a relationship I'd be calling "NEXT!"
Wit, charm and intelligence are good looking to me. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and my eyes are connected to me brains smile
Mind you if a total airhead drop dead gorgous model walked up to me and said she wanted to fuck my brains out (fat chance).....well it would be rude not to :twisted:
Sean xx
Quote by Bloke2005
In no particular order:
- sex appeal
- charisma
- confidence
- wit
- intelligence
... and most of all ... not being aware that they are any of the above. There's nothing sexier than someone that isn't aware of just how sexy they are

You have made such am important statement there. If they have an ego and know it and lord it about, makes my skin crawl, no matter how popular they are with others. I dont like 'acts' either. I like people who are happy in their own skin.
We dont tend to have one offs, and tend to make friends with people we have played with so we look for: good sense of humour, compassion, honesty, enthusiasm, intelligence, good conversation and also the ability to be able to just sit and chill and not talk is good too.
Personally I just "look" for the "click". I could never sit down and detail what constitutes the "click" factor. But if I had to define it I guess I find myself attracted, in the most part, to intelligent people. People who have opinons on things and who you can get into a damn good conversation with. Looks do play a part - but I couldn't say exactly what constitues good looks in a person. Sensitive, caring type people tend to attract, and most certainly people who are "themselves" rather than putting on an act. Arrogance turns me straight off, but confidence is a great turn on.
The sense of humour question is a hard one to answer, becuase what constitutes one person's sense of humour may not appeal to mine. But I most certainly like to have fun - so I guess there would have to be compatability in what constitutes fun.
I know I was told by one ex girlfriend that it would never work becuase I couldn't make her laugh. I was really hurt by that, as I know that I am actually quite a serious person - and am not a natural "floor holder". I don't have people falling over laughing when i talk, and my jokes always seem to miss something. So this comment made me feel really "shite". But then I found her next girlfriend to be quite obnoxious in her humour - as it was based on pure sarcasm and putting people down. I then realised that if this was the sort of humour my ex enjoyed - then, persoally, I would rather been seen as the serious, studious one in the corner. dunno
In the year I have been here I have only `clicked` fully with three guys, in my opinion (maybe not to the opinion of others) they are the funniest three on the site, so a sense of humour is a HUGE factor for me. I have been known to back off of someone who seems to fit every criteria bara sense of humour. Someone who is too serious unnerves me. For some reason I`m not so demanding about other women, I have to be able to have a laugh with them, but they don`t need to be asfunny, perhaps because we have some kind of common ground to begin with? dunno
I thought I`d find other women intimidating, but it hasn`t turned out like that at all.
I'm with Rainbows and Venus.......I have to feel the 'click' with someone in order to have a good time with them.....
When you can spend all night with someone and not just have sex the whole night but talk and have a giggle then you know you've clicked with someone....
Sense of humour is vital to me. Everyone (well everyone except LibDems, obviously) has one, but if you don't find the same things amusing, I think you're probably not on each other's wavelength in other areas. I like to be able to relate to someone on my own level, and I think a good indicator is whether or not we have to explain our jokes to each other.
So, if you make me laugh, that's probably the biggest head start you can have. (Apart from if you have massive knockers and can suck a golf ball through a garden hose of course. :twisted: )
Quote by Ice Pie
(Apart from if you have massive knockers and can suck a golf ball through a garden hose of course. :twisted: )

I don`t get it. dunno
Quote by Ice Pie
Sense of humour is vital to me. Everyone (well everyone except LibDems, obviously) has one, but if you don't find the same things amusing, I think you're probably not on each other's wavelength in other areas. I like to be able to relate to someone on my own level, and I think a good indicator is whether or not we have to explain our jokes to each other.
So, if you make me laugh, that's probably the biggest head start you can have. (Apart from if you have massive knockers and can suck a golf ball through a garden hose of course. :twisted: )

lol me and ice should be married by now then.. cos he cracks me up, i have massive knockers.. and am working on getting the golf ball out of the other end! lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by well_busty_babe
lol me and ice should be married by now then.. cos he cracks me up, i have massive knockers.. and am working on getting the golf ball out of the other end! lol :lol: :lol:

2 outta 3 aint bad wink
Well quite frankly I think you're all talking bollocks. I HATE laughing. I take life VERY seriously. Humour is for wimps. Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. Who wants to shag a comedian? The most important factor in my eyes is a very very very LARGE
bank balance. wink
Sod laughing, I want presents. Expensive ones.
And brown socks are a big turn-on. If they have green diamonds on them, even better.
Face like an old, dried up dishcloth?..... Don't make me laugh......It's your wonga I'm after.
Now where did I put that feather duster.....I feel a tickle coming on..... :silly: