Well is the manky 'orrible stuff nice them eh?
At this point 100% say yes its horrible
i like xmas pud, but only once a year, its to rich any other time.
somuch easier now you can ping it rather than steam for 7 hours like before in the old days, my geat great aunt used to tell me about.
i think ive swallowed a talk bollocks pill tonight
xx fem xx
apt signature for this post ian lol
Love it, love it, absolutely love it! :P
:confused: :gagged: sorry ill be quiet now
xxx fem
its the new warning that is being put onto xmas pudding packaging.
its true, i read it in a email about people stealing kidneys and needing my bank details to pay my lottery win into
xx fem xx
I have to say I do like it in small amounts as too much makes me ill... xmas pudding that is. Anal sex I can give in any quantity without the slightest bit of nausea!
i love xmas pud :smitten:
god they had it on the menu at guantinimo they'd all confess.
Horrible stuff