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Is it just me or... (female ejaculation)

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Has anyone else noticed that female ejaculation seems to be a fiarly big thing on the net at the mo?
I know of one girl that does it but I know of 10 that don't.
Does it happen that often or is it just something men have fantasies about which causes porn websites to provide it more.
To reply with the same answer to a similar question posted yesterday....
We found this on a skiing trip to Andorra earlier in the year. Even the girls in the group had to watch it more than once.
The girl you are talking about is Cytherea. Go to and you can watch a free 40sec video of her. It is very very impressive!
Worth checking out if you didn't yesterday!
I have seen her quite a bit. Most of the time with these clips it seems fake. Looks like they are just pushing out water.
Sorry. Just joined today. Missed yesterdays thread
Yeah some do look fake, but some don't.
I have yet to find out, its almost teh grail for me?! haha
Quote by w00dface
I have seen her quite a bit. Most of the time with these clips it seems fake. Looks like they are just pushing out water.

You've gone and ruined that little fantasy for me now... just pushing out water!
Still impresses me...I think. Bet she could get a bar job in Bangkok....
With Cynthia I think she is real.
It is some of the others I have seen that look fake IE. Seems to come out too quickly or is too clear.
I have seen people filling em up with milk first then they just contract it all back out.
Nice but nit the real deal?!!!!
Ahh. I love a lass that squirts.
I think it is just something some porn sites do. They fill the girl up with water and she just lets it flow out. Not saying it is all like that. A Majority isn't.
Infact, I have a collection of clips. If anyone wants the address to get them from (my own webserver) then PM Me.
I have witnessed it first hand, it was totally unexpected and I thought it was a bit of W/S to be honest, at the time I was none too pleased.
I have had a girl do it to me too.
I had seen it before in clips and was trying to make it happen (there are some good guides on the net. Was still shocked though
Not often but I was shocked earlier today with a twice in sucession squirty thing going on. The only problem is because it's not a regular thing, I've now ruined a pillow sad evil So there are some draw backs to it all.
Gem. x
My Guide
Put 1 - 2 fingers in the vagina and find the urethral sponge. It is on the upper wall, about half a finger length in;
Rub this area, press hard and the girl should the feeling of having to pee - she is likely to be close to ejaculating.
Place your middle finger lightly below the external part of her urethra and rub as you would masturbate her clitoris;
With your other hand, press down from the outside. She should Push out as she would when she pees.
Other than that try :-)
How are the vids?
Quote by cuddly-catlin
i squirt and its def not water wink biggrin

Errmmm and where were you several months ago eh??? When I needed a squirt fix??
:notes: Note to self... def call this lady up....
Quote by cuddly-catlin
i squirt and its def not water wink biggrin

your a popular girl on this topic then..
most men seem to be in favour of witnessing this miracle
hi there i got this out of a magazine
How come ?
is it possible for women to ejaculate ? My boyfriend is convinced that i did recently.
When women climax they sometimes produce a small jet of watery happens when orgasms make the bladder squirt out a tiny amount of wee
thanks jo x
Quote by little gem
Not often but I was shocked earlier today with a twice in sucession squirty thing going on. The only problem is because it's not a regular thing, I've now ruined a pillow sad evil So there are some draw backs to it all.
Gem. x

we learned very early on to get towel ready biggrin
Quote by gingerjo-lee
hi there i got this out of a magazine
How come ?
is it possible for women to ejaculate ? My boyfriend is convinced that i did recently.
When women climax they sometimes produce a small jet of watery happens when orgasms make the bladder squirt out a tiny amount of wee
thanks jo x

sorry but the magazine isent right, mines not wee. smile
I have experienced spraying, squirting and gushing. All quite thrilling at first. But it can lead to expensive 'accidents'.
ive only done it a few times and im not sure lol but what the hell its good
jo xx
Quote by gingerjo-lee
ive only done it a few times and im not sure lol but what the hell its good
jo xx

it def is good biggrin
i have to admit that its not something that i do, tho i have met a few women who squirt quite a lot and they do recon a tiny amount of wee is mixed in there somwwhere lol thats not to say ur weeing urself
Quote by cuddly-catlin
hi there i got this out of a magazine
How come ?
is it possible for women to ejaculate ? My boyfriend is convinced that i did recently.
When women climax they sometimes produce a small jet of watery happens when orgasms make the bladder squirt out a tiny amount of wee
thanks jo x

sorry but the magazine isent right, mines not wee. smile
Caitlin, i agree with you totally, mines not wee either... wee doesnt turn white when dry!
Doesnt look like wee, doesnt smell like wee, doesnt taste like wee, doesnt feel like wee..... definaitly not wee!
Theres the whole world of the internet there, for the folks that dont believe, go and google it, see what it comes up with.
It's not wee.
Well it wasnt last W/E when my GF painted the b-room wall in the stuff.
Quote by cuddly-catlin
hi there i got this out of a magazine
How come ?
is it possible for women to ejaculate ? My boyfriend is convinced that i did recently.
When women climax they sometimes produce a small jet of watery happens when orgasms make the bladder squirt out a tiny amount of wee
thanks jo x

sorry but the magazine isent right, mines not wee. smile
I can def say it is NOT wee. Having been fortunate enough to have had several partners that do ejac as well as introducing several others to this wonderous pleasure I can honestly say that it is a fluid that depending upon the person can be anywhere from thick to watery. The fluid does STAIN fabrics but with a bit of patience and plenty of Oxi-Clean you can get it out.
Female ejaculation refers to the expulsion of fluid from the urethra during orgasm. The paraurethral/skenes gland also referred to as the G-spot produces female ejaculate fluid. These glands open into the urethra. During sexual stimulation they swell and fill with fluid. The muscle contractions during orgasm force the fluid into the urethra causing the ejaculation or expulsion of the fluids.
Female ejaculation is not a new phenomenon. For centuries there have been reports of the expulsion of fluid from the vagina during sexual arousal and orgasm. The Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote about these expulsions. There are also several references in classical literature to the emission of fluids from the vagina during sexual arousal.
Until relatively recently women were not supposed to really enjoy sex or encouraged to be in touch with their bodies sexual desires. Their husbands usually ridiculed women who squirted. Who mistakenly thought the fluid was urine. Misinformed gynecologists and doctors contributed the squirting orgasms to weak bladder control and urinary incontinence. Some women have felt extremely self-conscious when the fluids suddenly and unexpectedly released. Thinking the may have uncontrollably peed themselves during orgasm. This is clearly not the case.
The elusive female ejaculation or squirting orgasm has been a very controversial topic. Many people have never even heard of it. Some medical professionals deny that such a thing even exists, others agree that it happens but are unsure of its causes. Still others continue to contribute female ejaculation to weak bladder or incontinence. Doctors do not examine women when they are sexually aroused, nor do they attempt to stimulate their patients. Therefore the amount of medical research is limited.
Female ejaculation is steeped in myth and mystery. However there is no denying that many women experience this wonderful aspect of their sexuality.
Nuf said
Thanks for that Cisco, glad someone posted the facts!
still not wee!
The women I have been with did not know these facts and actually told me to stop what I was doing because they felt they were going to pee themselves, also, when I said that they were going to ejaculate they did not believe me! Has this happened to anyone else?
Quote by Nicola&Alan
Thanks for that Cisco, glad someone posted the facts!
still not wee!

yes thanx Cisco, knew it wasent wee wink biggrin