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Is it me ?

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There seems to be a hell of a lot of threads being locked lately (31 on the last 3 pages), some of which i can understand but there are others which seem like perfectly good threads! Is it just me or do other sh members think the the mods are getting a bit trigger happy lately?
Mods iam not having a go, this is just an observation and the feel iam getting lately.
Sex God
For my part it's cos a LOAD of threads are repeats, moans or just sheer nonsense. Or they should be somewhere else and my 'merge threads' button has been lost in the move so I post a link and then lock.
Let's try NOT locking any threads for a while and see what happens then.
Quote by Jags
For my part it's cos a LOAD of threads are repeats, moans or just sheer nonsense. Or they should be somewhere else and my 'merge threads' button has been lost in the move so I post a link and then lock.
Let's try NOT locking any threads for a while and see what happens then.

Excuse my ignorance but what would happen?
Quote by Jags
Let's try NOT locking any threads for a while and see what happens then.

Sex God
Quote by bisto kid
For my part it's cos a LOAD of threads are repeats, moans or just sheer nonsense. Or they should be somewhere else and my 'merge threads' button has been lost in the move so I post a link and then lock.
Let's try NOT locking any threads for a while and see what happens then.

Excuse my ignorance but what would happen?
I said 'see what happens then'. I meant it.
Sex God
Quote by PoloLady

Let's try NOT locking any threads for a while and see what happens then.

Best speak to the bloke who thinks too many are being locked.. heads we lose, tails you win!!
:roll: :roll:
Jags the thread you have just locked may have been done before many times but the new members are joining in and posting having a laugh. The members who have been around a while dont have to post or join in if there getting bored with the same themes. Its not always good to post/ropen a thread done ages ago! IMO
Let's try NOT locking any threads for a while and see what happens ]
Sounds interesting seeing as it was delete and lock thread crazy night last night
Sex God
Quote by bisto kid
Jags the thread you have just locked may have been done before many times but the new members are joining in and posting having a laugh. The members who have been around a while dont have to post or join in if there getting bored with the same themes. Its not always good to post/ropen a thread done ages ago! IMO

Well your opinion and others don't co-incide often.
dunno :dunno: :dunno:
Some you win, some you lose.
Warming the Bed
Quote by bisto kid
Jags the thread you have just locked may have been done before many times but the new members are joining in and posting having a laugh. The members who have been around a while dont have to post or join in if there getting bored with the same themes. Its not always good to post/ropen a thread done ages ago! IMO

I had the same initial reaction to the locking of "repeat" threads as you - it does seem rather unfair on the new members.
But now I'm not so sure...
What makes SH attractive is that it's a community of friends. The longer term members are the core of that community, and they put a lot of effort into keeping it going (especially the moderators) because they feel a real sense of ownership.
If you start giving the new members "equal rights" then the community breaks down, because the longer term members don't feel it's "their" community any more. It just becomes another free for all.
So I think you have to take SH or leave it, as it is. If you fit, then stay, if you don't then go somewhere else. It isn't fair, but then I don't think any of us would be happier for very long if it was fair.
And I'm definitely a new member!
Quote by Jags
Jags the thread you have just locked may have been done before many times but the new members are joining in and posting having a laugh. The members who have been around a while dont have to post or join in if there getting bored with the same themes. Its not always good to post/ropen a thread done ages ago! IMO

Well your opinion and others don't co-incide often.
dunno :dunno: :dunno:
Some you win, some you lose.
Jags i wouldnt try and fight a battle i know you and the other mods would win lol
I just felt this was something i should comment on smile
Sex God
I don't consider healthy debate as a battle! Comment away.
cool 8-)
If it is repeated - yet done in a clever and whitty way - I am sure it would not have the keys jangled at it.
But if it is just the same old shit being recycled - what is the point in the same things being repeated over and over.
PS - I couldn't be arsed to look at what thread you had locked - so the 'same old shit' comment is not directly aimed at your thread.... unless appropriate.
Sex God
Quote by Sexysteph
Mark Horne said
If you start giving the new members "equal rights" then the community breaks down, because the longer term members don't feel it's "their" community any more. It just becomes another free for all.
So I think you have to take SH or leave it, as it is. If you fit, then stay, if you don't then go somewhere else. It isn't fair, but then I don't think any of us would be happier for very long if it was fair.

Sorry Mark I don't really agree with you there - In order to survive any website NEEDS new blood otherwise it gets stale.
Most of the regulars on Swingingheaven are very friendly and welcoming to the majority of newbies and a lot of us try our level best to help them settle into the site and the community. Some, however, see the site as a quick one stop shag shop and do not have a clue what swinging and Swingers are about - these ones tend NOT to listen and post the most outrageous crap going. Nowdays called the wanna fuck brigade.
One thing I believe is important in swinging and this is just my personal opinion is respect - if they have no respect for themselves why should the site members have respect for them. This includes posts like "Hi am 21 got a fucking hard on you can't imagine - meet me now" type of post - I call call that cock impacticus with keyboard and cannot take the poster seriously.
So I don't think it is a take it or leave it scenario - if people make an effort to join in they soon become regulars and so the community grows and is enriched by the new blood.
Does that make sense?
Steph biggrin
:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
SH is also about having fun and exchanging views, that takes different forms for different people, I'm sure there's a lot of newbies wanting to join in so lets give them some encouragement, guidance and break down the first post fear barrier.
Warming the Bed
Quote by Sexysteph
So I don't think it is a take it or leave it scenario - if people make an effort to join in they soon become regulars and so the community grows and is enriched by the new blood.
Does that make sense?
Steph biggrin

Hi Steph,
I'm probably not making myself very clear (as usual)...
Yes, new blood must be a good thing (though some might wish to make an exception in my case!) but for the community to thrive, the old blood must feel at home too. It's the old blood that makes SH a community, rather than just a bulletin board.
Keeping the balance is very difficult. I'm not sure it's always possible - new members should be encouraged to post, but old members get bored if the same old conversations get repeated again and again.
I have found you get a better responce from new members if you reply to them explaining there error rather than just banning them or locking their maybe first post ad.
I sent 20 messages today to men who had posted in teh wrong section, and noticed some then changed there add thsi may i except have been mod intervention and some replied to my pm saying thanks.
With Threads on the forum maybe members could comment on things new members say rather than just view the thread and say nothing.
a thread with one post and 10 views that then gets locked could have been saved if someone had commented in a constructive way either pointing the poster to another thread or maybe sending them a pm explaining there eror or mistake.
This at leasy give them the chance to but things right,.
just having your thread locked or deleated without reason annoys older posters im sure it will be teh same with new members.
this would help the mods out and also give us all some more responsability.
in the running of this site.
Seems to be a general thing in any organisation, We need new ideas and then when sombody new suggests what they have there are crys of "oh no not that again! it was done before! People, the sad fact is that there is only a finite number of topics on any given subject ! You may think you have found a new sexual position or topic but be assured someone sometime has probably done it before !
Of course the obvious faq can become tedious and the "why has nobody replied to my ad " type thing really becomes pointless as why does nobody "want" me ? well... I dunno ? what do you say ? why didn't I win the lottery , or get that job etc etc!
Well it seems like iam not the only person who thinks the mods are being over zealous cool
Quote by bisto kid
Well it seems like iam not the only person who thinks the mods are being over zealous cool

Yes you are. No-one in any of the posts above have said we are over zealous. Yet again we end up having to defend what we do for the site, whilst others take a back seat and reap the rewards of it. You sit there and post and make comment and that's it. Nothing more. WE are the ones running round like blue-arsed flies trying to ensure a level of intelligent comment and input is maintained and you whinge about locked threads. If that is all you have time to do, then don't. Try and look at what YOU personally can do to help maintain a better standard than what a lot of these locked posts do. All they do is just drag down the standard and your snipes at the Mods are not helpful at all.
............ and our deactivate buttons are now working!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by Mal
Well it seems like iam not the only person who thinks the mods are being over zealous cool

Yes you are. No-one in any of the posts above have said we are over zealous. Yet again we end up having to defend what we do for the site, whilst others take a back seat and reap the rewards of it. You sit there and post and make comment and that's it. Nothing more. WE are the ones running round like blue-arsed flies trying to ensure a level of intelligent comment and input is maintained and you whinge about locked threads. If that is all you have time to do, then don't. Try and look at what YOU personally can do to help maintain a better standard than what a lot of these locked posts do. All they do is just drag down the standard and your snipes at the Mods are not helpful at all.
No iam not, maybe iam the only one with the balls to say it in those words but there are lots thinking it!
Like i said iam not having a go at the mods just pointing out something i feel is not beneficial to the site. IMO
SOME of the mods(not all) are trigger happy and SOME of the members who have been around a while(not all) sarcasm seems like second nature to them which doesnt help new members feel at home which is not good for the site at all.
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by bisto kid
Well it seems like iam not the only person who thinks the mods are being over zealous cool

Yes you are. No-one in any of the posts above have said we are over zealous. Yet again we end up having to defend what we do for the site, whilst others take a back seat and reap the rewards of it. You sit there and post and make comment and that's it. Nothing more. WE are the ones running round like blue-arsed flies trying to ensure a level of intelligent comment and input is maintained and you whinge about locked threads. If that is all you have time to do, then don't. Try and look at what YOU personally can do to help maintain a better standard than what a lot of these locked posts do. All they do is just drag down the standard and your snipes at the Mods are not helpful at all.
No iam not, maybe iam the only one with the balls to say it in those words but there are lots thinking it! You cannot possibly know what others are thinking and therefore how can you speak on their behalf?
Like i said iam not having a go at the mods just pointing out something i feel is not beneficial to the site. IMO You can only be having a go at the mods as only the mods can lock topics - who else could you be having a go at?
SOME of the mods(not all) are trigger happy and SOME of the members who have been around a while(not all) sarcasm seems like second nature to them which doesnt help new members feel at home which is not good for the site at all.
And some of the members who have been around a while try to put something back into the site and are helpful to those who ask for help or can be helped. Some ask for help, are offered it and then throw it back into the face of the person giving up their own time and effort - no gratitude some people! Let me know if any of this starts to ring any bells, won't you?

So tell me, Bisto Kid. I'm a Mod, do you think I am unhelpful to you?
Do you think I am trigger happy?
Do you consider that, as a regular, I am sarcastic and frighten off members?
Do you think I get narked when someone is allocated a mentor, then complains that the mentor isn't helpful because they won't meet said newbie or discuss their private life with them?
I ask these questions so I can get a better understanding of the type of person I put myself out for - you know, my free time moderating this Site, helping others, that type of thing, while the normal member is happy just to post and enjoy the benefits of the site without giving anything back. Just so I know.
Sex God
This from the bloke who wanted to sell you sims cards via this site... rolleyes :roll:
dunno :dunno: :dunno:
Quote by Mal
Well it seems like iam not the only person who thinks the mods are being over zealous cool

Yes you are. No-one in any of the posts above have said we are over zealous. Yet again we end up having to defend what we do for the site, whilst others take a back seat and reap the rewards of it. You sit there and post and make comment and that's it. Nothing more. WE are the ones running round like blue-arsed flies trying to ensure a level of intelligent comment and input is maintained and you whinge about locked threads. If that is all you have time to do, then don't. Try and look at what YOU personally can do to help maintain a better standard than what a lot of these locked posts do. All they do is just drag down the standard and your snipes at the Mods are not helpful at all.
No iam not, maybe iam the only one with the balls to say it in those words but there are lots thinking it! You cannot possibly know what others are thinking and therefore how can you speak on their behalf?
Like i said iam not having a go at the mods just pointing out something i feel is not beneficial to the site. IMO You can only be having a go at the mods as only the mods can lock topics - who else could you be having a go at?
SOME of the mods(not all) are trigger happy and SOME of the members who have been around a while(not all) sarcasm seems like second nature to them which doesnt help new members feel at home which is not good for the site at all.
And some of the members who have been around a while try to put something back into the site and are helpful to those who ask for help or can be helped. Some ask for help, are offered it and then throw it back into the face of the person giving up their own time and effort - no gratitude some people! Let me know if any of this starts to ring any bells, won't you?

So tell me, Bisto Kid. I'm a Mod, do you think I am unhelpful to you?
Do you think I am trigger happy?
Do you consider that, as a regular, I am sarcastic and frighten off members?
Do you think I get narked when someone is allocated a mentor, then complains that the mentor isn't helpful because they won't meet said newbie or discuss their private life with them?
I ask these questions so I can get a better understanding of the type of person I put myself out for - you know, my free time moderating this Site, helping others, that type of thing, while the normal member is happy just to post and enjoy the benefits of the site without giving anything back. Just so I know.

Mal i dont consider you to be any of those things i do consider you to be a fair and helpfull.
I started this thread to bring a bit of light onto what i think is a problem not to offend you personly.
A few bad apples can spoil the whole barrel, it would be a shame if that happend here!
The problem isn't the locking of the posts, it's the posts themselves.
As for bad apples - we don't have any.
Quote by bisto kid
... maybe iam the only one with the balls to say it ...

Ya reckon? :twisted:
But you're still talking bollocks rolleyes
Quote by Mal
The problem isn't the locking of the posts, it's the posts themselves.
As for bad apples - we don't have any.

Well ive voiced my opinion you obviously diagree with it thats cool where both entitled to one even if yours does carry more weight than mine lol
Quote by bisto kid
...and SOME of the members who have been around a while(not all) sarcasm seems like second nature to them ...

Do we really want this site to get into a slanging match.
Its clear that on some occasions some people have locked and deleted threads without any good reason. It happened 2 nights ago to me and no reason was given and in communications with the site no reason could be found either.
This could very well have been a mistake or someone having a go at me and the other person who was posting.
That does not matter.
As for Bad apples. maybe some people should be carefull if throwing comments around like that in any way as mud sticks and so does apple juice.