Having discussed taking the step into swinging, we were thrilled to find a site with nearly half a million members (even with an adventure a night, that's more than 25 life's worth !!)...BUT we just can't seem to sneak in. We've whispered, we've waved, WE'VE SHOUTED but it's just not happening..... :cry:
We haven't got 2 heads, we can (in moments of sobriety) string an odd sentence together, and we're more than willing to travel.
Any tips from you "old timers" out there as to just what we're doing wrong?
Cheers !
welcome to the forums.
i see you only joined SH less than a month ago. Its not a fast shag site more of a community for some, for others they only use the ads, and some the chat rooms, there are a few who use all three.
less than a month is not considered a long time here. most cpuples will like to get to know the other couple first. some do this by getting afeel for your personality from what you post in the forums, others instant caht works better.
you dont say in your profile if you are smokers? i wont critisise as im not a couple so view things differently, but for me reading your ad it comes over as your great but dont say what your really looking for, looks age etc?
hope you settle in and find some fun. maybe the clubs link may work better for you?
xx xlou xx
you'll be fine no worries just bide your time and ignore any fruitcakes,,,i do.
im just off to check your profile now,,brb lol
is the male of this couple really under 5ft.........if not i think that might me worth changing!
not that i'm being descrimiting in anyway!
well having looked at your ad, and seen the pics, the only thing keeping us out of your inbox is the 147 miles :cry:
nothing you have said, but I have pm'd you with some background