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Is it true that women fantasise about non consensual sex?

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Quote by freckledbird
Apologies if I offended anyone by using the word 'disturbed', maybe it was a poor choice of word but I do think it's a bit worrying that someone would fantasise about . Sorry, just my opinion.

i agree with u, and i still say they not fantasies, talk to a woman who has been and see if u really want 2 go thro what she has!!!
Sex God
personally this topic means a lot to me....
my young cosin was last year. i detest the thought of in all its forms. I know certain women like to have forced sex, however i do belive that this is consensual from both sides.
i think all rapits should be hung drawn and quatered ..... especilly children....
Quote by MikeC
I know certain women like to have forced sex, however i do belive that this is consensual from both sides.

Thank you lol this is the point i have been trying to make, to have forced sex with a partner or even 4 ur hubbie to arrange a stranger to jump out on u one night cause he knows u fantasise about it is still not cause at the end of the day its done with trusted people, how can u fantasise about , is sex against ur will if its a fantasy of urs surly u'll be willing :undecided:
I like you mike have very strong and close feeling about this subject and do not believe people fully understand what it means or what women go thro