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Is Matrix Reloaded worth going to see?

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2 watchers
A friend of mine went to the Scottish premiere last night and wasn't impressed. They described it as suffering from action overload - a modern day Superman movie. If that's your thing then fair enough, but the impressive (if unbelievable/ridiculous) special effects weren't reckoned to be enough to make up for the lack of a plot. Perhaps it will look better in conjunction with the third. As I said, not my own views but all I have to go on. That said, I'll probably still be going to see it myself.
I saw this a couple of nights ago.
Great fun and fantastic effects, but the plot seemed to be there only as a way of stringing the action sequences together, it certainly didn't have that sheer cleverness and freshness of the first one.
But well worth seeing non the less, I enjoyed it. Just don't believe all the hype about it, just because it cost 10 times more than most movies doesn't make it 10 times as good!
Hope you enjoy it too.
Good news mate, I'm sure you'll love it! biggrin
Let me know what you think!
Went to see it 't other night. It's not bad. A bit mind bending in places and one of the fight scenes goes on a little too long. A bit like 'We've got the special effects and we're damn well gonna use em'
Spoke to a few of the lads at work that have seen it and it's that type of film that has you bouncing theories around for hours. A bit like every monday morning after watching 24.
Went to see the film with the wife and, in the best traditions of the forum, stopped off for a bit of fun in the lanes above Horwich on the way home.
Mark, went to see the film at the begining of the week with my 14yr old son. It's full on action and special effects and very little plot. My son informs me that the plot will be explained in part 3.......oh I can hardly contain my excitement at the prospect <weg>.
Personally speaking, The Secretary was more my cup of tea ;)
We saw it last Saturday with our "friends". We found it too mind boggling, trying to understand the puzzles posed to Neo. Also, as said before, the fight scenes are over the top and Neo is pretty much invincible all the way through the film. You watch the fights with no anticipation as to the outcome. So we all four us left, went home and shagged insteadsmile much more fun!
Mark.... you never did come back to let us know what you thought of it. ;-)
"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill -- the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill -- you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."