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Is my age a problem???? im 23

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6 watchers
hi there, im relatively new here.....
from what i can tell my age (23) and my location (south east of scotland) will be a bit of a hinderance to me! would you agree???
I'd like to get some feedback on this subject if possible? what do you think?
and if there is anyone out there who is local, edinburgh, glasgow, north east etc then give me a shout.... hehe
i wouldn't meet a 23 year old unless you was a woman lol
but that don't mean noone will wink
i was here at 23 and it never stopped me getting meets!
as for your location, it might put people in devon/cornwall off... but where ever you live you would have the same problem.
Quote by naughtynymphos1
i wouldn't meet a 23 year old unless you was a woman lol
but that don't mean noone will wink

I agree completely
Quote by Nomad_Soul
i wouldn't meet a 23 year old unless you was a woman lol
but that don't mean noone will wink

I agree completely
:lol: daft sod
Hi, there are many people around here from NE England - you'll soon find some. On the question of your age, there are plenty of people in their early twenties who swing, if that's what you're getting at. There's also a sociable crowd here including people of all ages (over 18).
"Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name"
wave and yep im 23 too but im female so it seems to be abit different....
Good luck u'll be fine....
I wouldn't worry, I'm 22 and I get along fine here wink
I'm 21 and having a brilliant time here. Don't panic. biggrin
Quote by booshsutton
hi there, im relatively new here.....
from what i can tell my age (23) and my location (south east of scotland) will be a bit of a hinderance to me! would you agree???

Hi Ewen
You may find it a struggle to get cheap car insurance dunno
the Laird
i am 24 .... i think i have a bit of fun from time to time.....
rolleyes :twisted: :roll: :twisted: :roll: :twisted: :roll: :twisted:
I'm 23 and live in swinging central without any meets, so I think you'll do alright.
Don't forget, age is just a number...... but so is a prison sentence :twisted: lol
Quote by the_Laird
hi there, im relatively new here.....
from what i can tell my age (23) and my location (south east of scotland) will be a bit of a hinderance to me! would you agree???

Hi Ewen
You may find it a struggle to get cheap car insurance dunno
the Laird

Giggle......can't think how we ended up thinking about the same gag just then!
Kitty xxx
Quote by booshsutton
hi there, im relatively new here.....
from what i can tell my age (23) and my location (south east of scotland) will be a bit of a hinderance to me! would you agree???
I'd like to get some feedback on this subject if possible? what do you think?
and if there is anyone out there who is local, edinburgh, glasgow, north east etc then give me a shout.... hehe

I don't think its your age or location that will be the biggest problem, there are numerous photo ads asking for young guys.. But being a single male might be.
Quote by Kitty
hi there, im relatively new here.....
from what i can tell my age (23) and my location (south east of scotland) will be a bit of a hinderance to me! would you agree???

Hi Ewen
You may find it a struggle to get cheap car insurance dunno
the Laird

Giggle......can't think how we ended up thinking about the same gag just then!
Kitty xxx

All these bloody youngsters, makes me think.... hello son/daughter... are you ??? lol
Although your age isn't gonna be a big issue, a lot of the swinging/sex club scene still (to me at least) seems to be predominantly 35+
it's improved a lot since I started (about 5 years ago) when there seemed to be virtually no under-30s only clubs/parties and very few where the average age was below 30. Prob the main reason I've always focused on private parties rather than "swinger" clubs. One of the first places I went to was regarded as quite a "young" club but I was over a decade younger than the next youngest person there (who was 29 if memory serves, with most in their early-mid 30s)!
Nowadays it's easy enough to find parties where the oldest person will be less than 10 years older than you smile There are plenty of places where the average age is under 30, aswell as quite a few under-30-only parties. Even a decent, if not very well established yet, late teens/early 20s scene (in london at least).
make the most of it and enjoy.................cause it ain't long before your 10 years older than them........ oh and the policemen look like they are just out of nappies (they have their kinks as well)
Quote by Emily
Even a decent, if not very well established yet, late teens/early 20s scene (in london at least).

Is that in any particular club?
Age is just a number as long as its 18+
I always say....
if they fit the bill,
I will go for the kill
So to speak :shock: lol
BTW, only 24 here
Shaz x
Quote by veejay
Even a decent, if not very well established yet, late teens/early 20s scene (in london at least).

Is that in any particular club?
not specifically as far as I know, tho obviously to some extent the clubs at the younger end of the scene - champagne, fever, kk etc. more often tends to be private parties as most of the clubs won't allow 16/17 yo in, and it's 16-18 yo where this has pretty much come from.
Quote by Emily
Even a decent, if not very well established yet, late teens/early 20s scene (in london at least).

Is that in any particular club?
not specifically as far as I know, tho obviously to some extent the clubs at the younger end of the scene - champagne, fever, kk etc. more often tends to be private parties as most of the clubs won't allow 16/17 yo in, and it's 16-18 yo where this has pretty much come from.
Interesting, I didn't realise they'd be into this at 16/18 years of age.
Quote by veejay
Interesting, I didn't realise they'd be into this at 16/18 years of age.

I started going to sex clubs/parties when I was 17, and had been peripherarily involved since about 16, I know/knew quite a few others who are/were 16-18 when they started.
the prob of course is that the "official" scene has no accommodation for u18s, in most regards it's tougher to get into a sex club if you're 17 than a normal one.
that said, it's still a minority, I'd guess most ppl first get into it at university rather than before, and outside London there's probably not the critical mass needed.
Quote by Emily
I started going to sex clubs/parties when I was 17, and had been peripherarily involved since about 16, I know/knew quite a few others who are/were 16-18 when they started.
the prob of course is that the "official" scene has no accommodation for u18s, in most regards it's tougher to get into a sex club if you're 17 than a normal one.
that said, it's still a minority, I'd guess most ppl first get into it at university rather than before, and outside London there's probably not the critical mass needed.

I see what you mean. I suppose I probably started at about 17 too, but that was just messing about at parties in peoples houses. Alot of my friends swapped gfs etc. We never really thought of it as swinging (for some reason I always reckoned you had to be "old" to be considered a swinger). It was at uni that I got involved with my housemate and his girl. Then I met a pair of bisexual girls and things took off. I miss uni :twisted:
the only way i can see 23 being a problem
was if you wanted to get into an over 25's club and you had to prove your age lol
Quote by veejay
We never really thought of it as swinging (for some reason I always reckoned you had to be "old" to be considered a swinger).

def agree, I almost never think of it as "swinging" which for me gives the image of middle aged over weight suburban key swapping.
it's always gonna be tricky defining when you started to some extent as different things will represent starting to different people - I started having what I'd consider "recreational sex" at 14, was having "sex parties" with friends at 16, and was going to "organised" sex clubs at 17, so it's tricky to say when I started out.
Quote by Emily
We never really thought of it as swinging (for some reason I always reckoned you had to be "old" to be considered a swinger).

def agree, I almost never think of it as "swinging" which for me gives the image of middle aged over weight suburban key swapping.
it's always gonna be tricky defining when you started to some extent as different things will represent starting to different people - I started having what I'd consider "recreational sex" at 14, was having "sex parties" with friends at 16, and was going to "organised" sex clubs at 17, so it's tricky to say when I started out.
It's just part of 'your sex life' It's a path that you weave as you go along, mistakes and the good times! just try and make the most of it and enjoy........
Quote by booshsutton
hi there, im relatively new here.....
from what i can tell my age (23)

Crap! I'm nearly twice your age! Don't worry about your age... it's irrelevant (sp) to most people on here... they'll take you as they find you (or where they find you) :twisted:
Heloo dont worry about your age just enjoy whatever happens happens...I wish I was in my twenties again..(lucky sod)
Just come back from the local club where there was this gorgeous 20 something female singer, wished I was 20 years younger. Afterwards she came over and I kissed her on the cheek (would have loved to have done more, but gentlemanly nature took control.)
Age... only a problem when you think it is wink