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Is my foot broken?

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I'm building a new computer for my sister and her fiancee as a wedding pressie. I was getting all the parts together so I can get started.
I carried up the brand spanking new computer case (just the shell) which is fairly heavy. Upon taking it out of the box the bloody wrapping holding it broke and the whole thing fell on my foot, obviously corner first just so I could get in a bit more pain. :cry:
After I shouted a polite ouch, that jolly did hurt. Ok.. I screamed blue bloody murder. I now find it hard to move any toes. I have a nice blue mark where the corner landed and it is purple all around that. Because it is right in the middle of my foot I can tell its swollen and all squidgy. confused:
How should I treat this bugger? I've put cold wrap on it to get the swelling out. Raised it up and I've also taken enough pain killers to drug an elephant. :shock:
Any help will be read slowly so I can understand it while being quite spaced out. sad
Get to the A&E quickly. The bruising could be due to the impact but it could also indicate internal bleeding. If you are lucky, you will not have broken any bones but just damaged the soft tissues. Soft tissue damage takes about a week to cure. If there is damage to the nerves it can take several months to stop hurting. If there is a fracture you need to make sure it does not heal badly - hence why it is VERY IMPORTANT to go to your local A&E without delay. It is better for them to think you overreacted than for you to be shy and reticent and suffer unnecessarily.
With get well wishes
Thank you Tania. I'll get a mate to drive me down.
Now my problem is this.... Can anybody get brown marks out of my underwear after what I've just read..... :shock:
Also, will I be able to play the piano again? confused
Sex God
Sounds like you need to see your GP or take a trip to A&E or............................
learn to walk on your hands so all the blood rushes away from your foot to your head. This will aid the reduction of swelling in your foot and give you such a headache you will forget the pain in your foot wink
Sorry MrMoleman, couldn't resist rolleyes
:crazy: I know I had something to add to this but Matt, those two dimples are like eyes, your butt keeps staring at me :crazy:
Warming the Bed
Crikey, I've be humping (?!) those things around for years and they're heavy and have hard, thin metal edges - you'll have a lot of pressure in one spot, easily enough to break some fragile foot bones. Take Tania's advice and get an expert to look at it.
And good luck.
Sorry to hear mate. Not sure they can actually do anything for a broken toe can they? dunno
If it is any consolation - I am also on the prescription painkillers at the moment - and I am feeling way spaced out!!! Very weird feeling!! confused
Quote by mattmoleman
Now my problem is this.... Can anybody get brown marks out of my underwear after what I've just read..... :shock:

Seriously, you should've gone str8 away. Its quite strange how you post here and wait for someone to respond first. The level of pain involved and the symptoms you describe should be enough for you to be worried anyway.
As for your undies, if they are white, you may have to bleach them. biggrin
(if not, then try the Daz challenge)
Quote by Tania
Get to the A&E quickly. The bruising could be due to the impact but it could also indicate internal bleeding. If you are lucky, you will not have broken any bones but just damaged the soft tissues. Soft tissue damage takes about a week to cure. If there is damage to the nerves it can take several months to stop hurting. If there is a fracture you need to make sure it does not heal badly - hence why it is VERY IMPORTANT to go to your local A&E without delay. It is better for them to think you overreacted than for you to be shy and reticent and suffer unnecessarily.
With get well wishes

as Tania said, AS&E.
personal belief is its broke, so wishing you a restful time while it gets fixed
/me makes a note to self, be bloody careful carrying carcases around n future
'spect he's gone off to A&E now, but I'll stick my two penneth in nevertheless.... it might cheer him up when he gets back :twisted:
Even if the injury is just a bruise, one of the worst places to get those is in the lower limbs. Feet are such a long way from the heart that it takes much more pressure to move the blood away from the site of the injury, which could lead to thrombosis (blood clot). DVT is common in frequent flyers because the lack of movement means less blood flow to the legs (deep veins).
Cheery sole ain't I wink
First time he's been limp in months :-)
Can we sign yer cast ?
Quote by cu3b4ll
'spect he's gone off to A&E now, but I'll stick my two penneth in nevertheless.... it might cheer him up when he gets back :twisted:
Even if the injury is just a bruise, one of the worst places to get those is in the lower limbs. Feet are such a long way from the heart that it takes much more pressure to move the blood away from the site of the injury, which could lead to thrombosis (blood clot). DVT is common in frequent flyers because the lack of movement means less blood flow to the legs (deep veins).
Cheery sole ain't I wink

I didn't want to mention the risk of thrombosis even though my dad died of it and a foot injury was involved. It is scary how one simple thing can escalate if we do not pay attention. I have little faith in doctors and I always make a point to be well informed about risks and put questions to the people involved with my care, even if it makes me sound like a hypochondriac. There are plenty of docs around but only one of me confused
Hope he did go to the A&E and after the usual 3-5 hours waiting time get seen and reassured that all is fine.
Quote by Rainbows
Sorry to hear mate. Not sure they can actually do anything for a broken toe can they? dunno
If it is any consolation - I am also on the prescription painkillers at the moment - and I am feeling way spaced out!!! Very weird feeling!! confused

Spaced out?Rainbows?Na surely not.
S. :love:
When you get home, get some Arnica cream from Boots and apply it on the bruised toe(s). It speeds up healing of bruises and reduces the pain. I know... I have conducted experiments on bruises treating them with Arnica, Lasonil and nothing at all. Arnica produced by far the best results, even in severe bruising.
When people are cruising for a bruising, it is useful to be prepared....
Yes, you will be able to play the piano again, silly! Just use your foot rather than your toes - problem solved! Or get an electric piano without pedals...
As for brown stains... Daz and 60 degrees long wash is the best combination. Hope you wore clean underwear in case some pretty nurse decides to keep you in for the night ;)
Ok. The underwear is fine. The stains that I thought I had made were already there so I surely don't need to go with extra bother to get them clean, do I?
I went to A&E. They couldn't give me anything for the pain straight away as I had taken a fair bit of tablets already. It t'was my foot hurting and not my toes so I didn't need any strapping etc to hold them together.
It is a break. A clean one. More like a small crack apparently. I wasn't sure if they were talking about my foot or themselves? Not much they can do as it should heal back normally. No need for the plaster but as for the comment about me being limp... well, ahem.... redface I'll have to say I am glad I'm not a pain fan.
They did give me some nice pain killers which I've taken. God knows what they are but they work wink
Reading about the DVT I am sorry to hear everything about it. I now have brown marks down my jeans which is a new problem. I will leave that till the morning though.
Hobberlingly yours,
Not that i have a foot fetish but am willing to kiss it better lol
But not untill ya have bathed n changed HeHeHe. Hope it feels better soon xxx
Quote by mattmoleman
They did give me some nice pain killers which I've taken. God knows what they are but they work wink
Reading about the DVT I am sorry to hear everything about it. I now have brown marks down my jeans which is a new problem. I will leave that till the morning though.
Hobberlingly yours,

Curious to know, what did they give you? Pethidine tablets?
Heres a practical suggestion though. Since you have problems with your undies, how about buying brown ones in future? That way everytime you get scared, there'll be no nasty stains visible biggrin
wouldnt worry too much about dvt, if its a clean break there is little risk of that
the meds are probly of the dhc family, potent as buggery, ot a naproxen based which is both pain releif plus anti inflamatory
just rest up
Not sure what they are, to be honest I don't really mind at the moment.
I would always welcome a nice kiss better but I don't have a foot fetish either. If I trapped my finger in a door Ill make sure you know about it tigger wink You are a darling. x
Thanks for all your concerns. I'm gonna rest up for a while and learn how to play the piano with my hands instead. confused
Ok so lets ditch the idea of me kissing ur feet cos i hate feet full stop lol. How bout a soft kiss and a full body massage then a nice bubble bath ??? (i aint massaging feet for luv nor money by the way hehehe) xx
Quote by kristof
wouldnt worry too much about dvt, if its a clean break there is little risk of that
the meds are probly of the dhc family, potent as buggery, ot a naproxen based which is both pain releif plus anti inflamatory
just rest up

Depends how much inflammation and pain he's in. Sounds quite nasty from the description he gave. They'll probably give him opioid painkillers and NSAIDs for the inflammation since the NSAIDs probably won't give him enough analgesic activity.
Talking of opioids, ES having taken all those laxative chocs could probably do with a dose himself biggrin
Sex God
Last time I broke a bone, I found that I got relief by putting the affected limb into a sling, might be worth a bashdunno
Glad to hear you got seen and diagnosed. You will now need to rest quite a bit and always keep the foot up on a footstool. I am surprised they did not recommend a splint. There are these removable ones nowadays that have velcro straps and you can wear them when you go to bed to ensure you do not move your foot awkwardly and cause yourself undue distress.
I would suggest you see a podiatrist privately for further advice. It shouldn't cost you an arm and a leg to consult one (heheheh... get it? ;) ) and you will get full care instructions and reassurance. Make sure to ask him/her about bathing your foot - allowed/not allowed/what temperatures are safe/how long for.
As for the rest of your problems
a) use a buttplug
b) wear safety shoes next time you dabble with building a computer
Warming the Bed
If you don't fancy the Butt Plug sad try incontinence products but that might be considered baby-ish :shock:
Quote by drawist
If you don't fancy the Butt Plug sad try incontinence products but that might be considered baby-ish :shock:

He broke his foot!
But save the butt-plug for ES biggrin
Who is ES? How many buttplugs should I order? lol
Warming the Bed
On the serious side the break sounds like the one Beckham did a while back to his metatarsals.
So your claim to fame could be you bent it like Beckham lol
Quote by Tania
I would suggest you see a podiatrist privately for further advice. It shouldn't cost you an arm and a leg to consult one (heheheh... get it? ;) )

You mean he should be able to foot the bill? rolleyes
Quote by Tania
Who is ES? How many buttplugs should I order? lol

ES- EagerSlut. Didn't he eat those laxative chocolates last night? :shock: